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Please read this chapter only if you will vote and comment, because it means alot for every writers when they update every chapters with a full of expectations. So don't dissapoint me😐😯

And this not the continuation of the last chapter!!!!!!!!!

And everything written in this chapter is a fake thing for me, and alsi i hte me for this, and this is something which would never, would not, happen in our Virushka life.
May god bless them💕💕💕

I was hell angry on Anushka, she just cheated on me, and she is cheating on me. I was blind, but today my grandmom opened my eyes, thank god. It had been 18 years since i saw her, but i was very fond of her in my child hood. When she came to our house, actually i spent whole day with her as she wanted, at first i hesitated but as she is an elder and my grand ma, i made my self freely and comfortable with her, like that one day i show mine and Anushka's picture and tell her about every thing, but she made me to lay me on her lap, and stroke my hair and said a lot of things againts Anushka, and said she is a bad girl,cheater,she loves her work only,and she is only with me for my fame and what not, my temper raised and i even got up and broken the vase near by me.

I was about to leave the room, that is when, she said if I think these are not true, go and propose her for marriage , if she accepet your marriage proposal, then i accept my fault and i will never face you, but if she refused your proposal , you should married to your cousin Sriti,", in the frustration, i accepted her challenge and went alone to my room and call Anushka, and said"Anushka, i want to meet you, i come to Mumbai, and i speak with you later, bye" ended the call, and told Bunty about it. My mom did not like me spending time with my grandma, i did not know why.

After the arrival, Virat went and Anushka greeted him with the warm smile but in return he did not even look at her for once, she was surprised by his behaviour, and in the evening he arranged a dinner and called her. She was happy as she too wanted this dinner since long time.

At first, virat was cool and arranged and the dinner part went without any great incidents, later Anushka was about to reveal abojt her next project and that is when Virat said "Anu, we have been together for 3 years, and now i think this is the correct time to ask, and we have talked about this earlier too, that will you marry me?" Anushka never even thought that he would ask this question now at that moment, she was beyond the shock. She was searching for her words. But she was clear in her decision and she believed in her full mind that Virat would understand her situation and support her through this, in tnat hope she said"sorry Virat, i can't, I am not ready yet"

Virat jaw clinched in the anger he got up from the seat, and went on saying "I find it today Anushka, you are a cheater, you never loved me...but listen miss Anushka Sharma you can't cheat on me any more, my goodness my grandma opened my eyes, else i would be mad around you, what do you think in your mind, ha? You are the one for me, tnere are so many girls who are craving for me to look at them" and finished while taking the much neede breath, but Anushka was chattered into billion of pieces. She was lost in her own world while her tears rolled down.
That time Bunty accidently heard everything and tried be as rescue but miserably Virat was in no mood to hear him.
"Virat? what are you speaking? Are you drunken or gone mad?" Bunty asked, and turned to Anushka "Anushka, Anushka, he is blabbering,actually.." as he was saying Virat interrupted him in the mid way.

"Virat, what are you speaking? You should listsn me, actually.." Anushka said while gripping him closely but he pushed her back

"don't be smart and don't act smartly, you are fake, you have been with me just,..just for my fame..." he said as Anushka stepped way from him slipping in uncoscious but she gripped something behind her. As he went to catch her from falling she singnaled him not to,
            "You? what did you said? Fake? me? fame? Huh!...okay...thank you! you are not even ready to hear me what i am suppose to say, it's okay. But I never thought this would happen, you will regret for this later, Virat..." she left that place in dissapointment.

After 2 months.....

After rocking in t20 and asian cup, Virat was laying on his mom's lap while her mom soothingly rubbing his head, Virat was torn out mentally, worn out physically. He was missing anushka badly he realised that all of that was his mistakes and misunderstandings, he did not contact her, he knew what he did was a betrayal, and there is no forgivness, he got all the information related about Anushka. But what bothered him mostly was the medias headlines that they both were broken up. Even they did not, insecurities, fear has got in Virat's mind, for the first time virat was afrid to lose Anushka from his life.
"Ma, what can i do? How can i meet her? How am i even gonna face her? Ma won't she accept me?" He sobbed like a child while hugging his mother.
"Viru, i just want to say only one thing, that, what had happened in the past is past, no one can change it, but any body can beware if they felt something gonna happen bad in the future. So just go and meet Anushka, speak with her about this, but the mistake is yours. I have already said na? Maintain some distance with your grandma, I know as a mother I should not say this but the truth is, she is not a good human, she has always shown the favouration among your father and his sibilings. And in which case she would love me,and my children? " his mom said in a painful tone.
He got up and cupped her mom face and said,
"Ma, if you said this at first, everything would be fine, but my bad luck ,i was mad. Today, i am not even sure, that will she even look at my face, i did not even let her to speak, she was about to tell me something ma but I didn't even allow her to speak, she is the one who keeps me calm ma, but that time, i don't know what had happened to me. Angry,disgust,frustation,i did not know, how to show it, on whom to show it, at last she left me, she left me taking all my happiness with her" tears rolled down.
"Viru, don't loose your hopes, do you think she would be happy without you? In these last two months she was in touch with me and Bunty, she was worried about you, like you are being here. So go, take your time with her" she said giving him some strengths. So virat too went to Mumbai to meet her in the confidence of getting her back.

Everyone in her family warmly welcomed him as usual, and everything went perfect until Anushka return to the house, she was unawre about these things, After signed Sultan film Anushka too busy in the trainings and the shots, during that period of time she used to return to her house at late nights.

As she entered her room she found that someone is there in her room and she found it Virat, suddenly the things happened between them came and strike in the mind,but she ignored it and moved on to greet him with the warm hug. "Hi" Anushka said while broke the hug, but Virat was in no mood to broke the hug, he hugged her with those emotions whis has been missed by both of them in the two months. "I am sorry" he murmured in her ears softly

This part will be continue..

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