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3rd person's POV
It had been 2 days since Anushka has admitted in the hospital, there were no symptoms of moving. Everyone were hell sad, especially Virat. All the news were making this as big issue. On the other hand Anushka's and Virat's family were hardly praying for her health. Virat was furious with himself for no reason, he started to behave furiously with whoever talk with him, and like that,
"Virat, you go to the house and take some rest, you have been here since two days, you are here without drinking or eating anything" Rahul tried to explain but Virat was adamant about staying there, he even shouted at him to not talk nonsense. It was sad to see Virat's state. He leaned on his mom's shoulder thinking about the old memories, that he shared with Anushka. Those two days were enough for him to understand how much he loves her, more than he knows when she was with him. His eyes were swollen and became reddish. He was suffering in the pain. He wanted to hug her,feel her,be around her,but he couldn't. Doctors too told them,since she has not show any moment, there are more chance to get in to the coma, that thing too increased his worries.

       After some time doctors came outside with a news. Everyone got up and waited for a good one,
Doc:Anushka will be changed to the ward no.25 and you can see her there, but the thing is...she can hear you, feel your presence but can't interact with you.

"It means she is in coma?" Ranbir asked him, the doctor nodded his head sympathetically.

"It does not mean she can't come back to the consciousness, she can but only guys you can make her, make her feel better like cheer her, do your best to divert her to her sense"

"Will she be okay, or is there any chance to get in to amnesia or anything?" Bunty asked him.

"Well, we can't say anything right now, because we did not think that she will survive till now, so it's really complicated to say. She may gets in or may not, but guys even if she gets into the amnesia she will be around you, she can talk with you, she can live her life"

Everyone was standing aghast hearing what he said.her mom sat on the seat near her unknowingly. Virat was present there physically but mentally he was deep into the thought of her. After changing her to the ward, her mom,dad and brother went in and saw her, they were broken after seeing her. Then finally Virat entered there and sat near the chair of her, he took her hand in his which was pinned by the syringe,he caressed her temple, it was swathed with the bandage.

Tears rolled down his eyes seeing her in that state. He wiped it quickly and started to speak "Anu, I know, you are just try to frightening me, but you know I'm not afraid, see, I'm not, so you better get up and be with me. And you know when you are getting up I'm gonna punish you for giving so much pain to me, look, Anu look at me, I'm...I'm really missing you" his voice cracked up at the end. That's when he realized that her hand shook up. He looked at her, and a water droplet fell from her eye. Soon Virat's mom and brother joined him,

That is when doctor came inside while requesting everyone to get out of the patient. So they took Virat outside and waited.

Doctors' POV

We had to assure them about Anushka's amnesia coz there were high chances for her to get into the amnesia directly from coma, but we did not want to reveal at the moment as it was really complicated. We waited for her response and at last we left her to them to understand themselves.

But after we left them to be with her once again we came to see her but that time we saw a drastic change in her, she had responded to them, so there was a good sign but the fact as we had to test her whether she has the short term memory loss or not. When we examined her to confirm the fact, we asked her several questions, she responded quickly, then we made her to identify her family members, she identified her mom, dad,brother,Virat. And after all the formalities we allowed her to be with her family.

Virat's POV
The nurse came out and asked to get inside and there my Nushkie was waken up but was worn out, she was pale, I was the happiest man alive but the next moment the doctor started inquire her, then they asked her to identify us and she too identified us, but the fact she only saw me as a cricket nothing else, my heart broke at the moment when I come to know that she got short term memory loss. I felt like a stranger to stand their so I excused myself from their. Not only me every one was highly disappointed and shocked to know that she got the short term memory loss, soon Karnesh brother, Bunty, Rahul,my bro ran behind me and assured me but I was not in the state of mind to accept the fact my Nushkie didn't see me as hers bet as the cricketer Virat kohli, I didn't want to hear anything, I ignored whatever they said and made my way to the place where I wanted to spend my time alone
I started to drive away without knowing the destination while thinking about us, I couldn't see my life without her and finally burst out in tears. The think of her made me feel like sick.
It had been.5 hour since I came from the hospital and my chains of thoughts broken by the ringtone of my phone,it was from Rahul, even I didn't want to attend, I attend to let him know I'm safe in the house, and that is when he said an important thing,that she had been under the treatment to get back to normal. First I didn't know what to say, but all he said was come back there. To know what is happening there I made my way there. Rahul and Bunty were standing their folding their arms. A weak smile was crept on all the faces. When I asked them they pointed me the door.

Anushka's POV
When I got up I really forgot my previous life. I didn't want to be like that, so I asked the doctor about this and they said that I got amnesia. I tried to remember everything but few incidents got deleted from my memory, I could feel it. I spotted my family members but their were more people who I knew professionally but why would they be their with my family, I started to think but suddenly I felt a strong storm in my brain and the images in front of me came blurred and in a minute all went blank.

After few hours I got up and found Virat sitting on the bed next to me, i struggled to get up so he helped me, and a nervousness spread over his face. He questioned about my health but I quickly hugged him with love, but it seemed like I didn't get it back. I looked at him with the question"Virat,why are you looking like that" he looked at me for a second then suddenly hugged me with all my passion and started to cry, when I was about to broke the hug, he didn't. He didn't broke the hug but continue to cry on my shoulder. Then after few minutes he broke the hug and placed the soft kisses all over my face and rest his temple with mine while his eyes continued to pour the salt water. It made my eyes to tear up.

He got up and moved back and said"I'm mad at you, I won't talk with you, you made me mad, I am not gonna talk with you, I'm going..." I glared at him at his statement, but soon he said another thing "Aren't you feel sorry for me, you just left me alone and you frightened me yaar" I surrendered myself in his embrace and looked at him with the puppy face"I want to go home, I don't want to be here"

"Array I'm complaining about you, but here you are unaffected and you are talking nonsense, how can you? see your state you can't even take a step, your head is injured,then you wanna go home? Nah you can't"

"Then you won't allow me?" I asked him pretend getting angry. "It will be better if I stayed in Amnesia instead of this" not a second he hugged me and murmured in my ear"Don't! I can't live without you, you much I missed you? I realized everything within this 72 hours, the moment when you saw me just as a cricketer, I broke down. Don't leave me alone, don't let me to suffer in pain. You are mine forever" his hug got more tighter than usual, it revealed his fear. I rubbed his back and hugged him. He nuzzled his face in my neck mumbling " I love you...don't leave me, I can't leave without you, please.."

"Hey, don't cry,nothing, I'm here with you no? I'm not going anywhere, look at me" I pulled out from the hug to look at him. His eyes were swollen, I plainly smiled at him, but he chosen to stare at me, I slowly moved inch near his face and pecked his lips. A small smile crept on his face and we both looked over the door at the creak sound of it, there my dad and mom came inside and I felt like again I am in the safe place with my family

The end🙏
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God Bless our Virushka 💕

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