Sibling Reunion Part 3: Attack

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Omfg this chapter was a pretty hard one write...

WARNING: There will be violence and strong language, because of the Galra...

Final part of Sibling Reunion, enjoy!
It had been at least three Earth days since they crashed on wherever the heck this place was called. Matt called it Tattooine from Star Wars since this place was mostly sand, sun and unbearable heat.

Coran and Shiro were busy trying to get a connection with the castle, but with little to no success. The Black lion however was still damaged from a rather horrid crash into a bunch of large boulders, meaning it had to be repaired as soon as possible.

Strangely, it did not sustain as much damage as they first thought.

The lion's thrusters were just scratched and were still operational, as were everything besides from the wings and communication systems. The lion was not currently online though, it's force field wasn't up yet.

Pidge decided to spend time with Matt and was already deep in conversation with him. They talked about a lot of things, like how they became the Paladins of Voltron by literally sneaking out and following some guy with a mullet or how Lance always had jokes and pranks stored in him to use at the perfect moment and bring the team together.
Matt listened to his sister as she talked about well...Everything in full detail. It didn't matter if he never got to talk, he could explain it all later, he was just happy to finally be with his little sister after two years of being isolated and alone in the vastness of space.

"Matt, do you mind helping us over here? We need an extra hand, buddy!" Said Shiro.

"I have two, do you just want one or..." Matt smirked.

"I believe we will need both Matt, Oh and Pidge you can help too!" Cheered Coran, lifting a really heavy piece of equipment making the face he made when he tried to move the crystal on the Balmera.

Pidge giggled and walked over with Matt by her side.

It was a few more varga until they got a signal.

"Hello?? This is Princess Allura of Altea. We picked up your distress beacon"

"ALLURA!!!" Coran screamed into the communicator, "We hear you loud and clear!"

"Guys! Yay!" Squealed a voice which happened to sound like Lance, "You're Ok!"

"Yeah, we're Ok big bro, We found MATT!"

"Congrats Pidge!" Said Keith.

Matt could only laugh at how cute they sounded, it was hard to believe that they were the Paladins of Voltron.

Suddenly, the Black Lion came back online.

Shiro rushed inside and sat down in the pilot seat, the other three following him.

"Allura! Black Paladin reporting for duty!" He said as the princess came on screen.

"We are right above you Shiro, the doors to your bay will open shortly."

Astonished, Matt looked at all the tech around him, to be honest he was kinda scared. He had a reason to be. It was all purple, like the Galra. Pidge held his hand to calm him down.

Coran had quickly gone out to grab all the stuff they needed to turn them back while Shiro was preparing for take off, he returned as quickly as he left.

"You guys ready?"

"Yeah!" They yelled in unison.

"Then let's go home!" Shiro yelled as he blasted off towards the castle.

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