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I am currently dealing with writers block so this chapter is short, boring, weird and bad. Also I've gotten really into The Legend Of Zelda. So yeah, that's always fun! Anyway, enjoy this piece of garbage.


I left Hajime's room and made my way to the living room. I took a seat on the fluffy couch and pulled out my phone. I dialled Kazuichi's number and held the phone up to my ear.

Almost instantly, I heard his voice on the other side of the phone, "Hey dude! How are ya?" He asked.

"I'm doing okay. But do you remember Hinata-kun?" I replied.

"Yeah. He was the guy you where hanging around on Tuesday." Kazuichi answered.

"Well, his older brother is Izuru Kamukura." I informed him.

"Wait. So that emo dude loves Hinata?" He asked.

"Yeah. Never knew someone like him would love such a happy, cheerful person like Hinata-kun." I replied, chuckling slightly.

"I'm ordering pizza for dinner. What toppings do you want?" I heard a deep voice ask. I glanced at the door to see Izuru leaning against the door frame.

"Um... I've got to go Kazuichi. I'll talk to you at school." I hung up on him and turned my attention to Izuru.

"Just cheese pizza, please." I answered Izuru in a whisper voice. My cheeks where flushed red from embarrassment.

"How long had he been there?" I asked myself. Avoiding eye contact with him. I pulled out 20 dollars from my phone case's wallet. I extended my arm out towards him with the money in that hand.

"I don't need your money. I'm paying for everyone." I gave him a puzzled glance after he said that.

"Why?" I questioned him. He sighed before replaying, "Your a guest in this house. In fact you're living here, right? So that means I pay for your dinner as well as Hajime's and mine."

I nodded, showing I understood. Izuru left without another word. I put the 20 dollars back into my wallet, then sat there. Not really knowing what to do.

I played some games on my phone until I saw the brunette walk into the room.

"Did you finish reading?" I asked him, placing my phone on the couch. I got up and went over to him.

"Yeah. It was really good." He chirped happily, sitting down next to me.

"That's good." I replied awkwardly, not really knowing how to respond.

"Komaeda, do you know what Izuru is getting for dinner?" Hinata-kun questioned me. I nodded before replying, "Yeah. We're getting pizza."

"Yes!" He cheerer happily, throwing his fist in the air. I giggled slightly at his celebration.

"Are you dating anyone?" I questioned him, not even meaning to say it. It kind of just fell off my tongue. Hinata turned to me and shook his head no.

"Why do you ask?" He questioned back. "Just curious is all." I brushed it off. Trying to not make it obvious that I myself, didn't know why.

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