Our First Heated Touch

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~Kara's POV~

Entering the training room I was met by the two Progenitors Ferid and Crowley not only them but a lot of the red eyes that happened to be in the room.

"You've made it" What amuses him so much that he is always this happy.

"Now that you're here let's get straight into it, no wasting my time" He says as if this was to be some kind of show for his amusement. Probably was in this case.

"What's going on?" I asked, impatiently waiting for him to cut to the chase.

"Glad you asked, here you will fight, it's kind of like me wanting to test how strong you are, but at the same time you're getting beneficial training" Understanding why Krul wants to kill him. He enjoys manipulating people for his own satisfaction, if I knew he wanted to risk exposing me then I would have not come here. "You'd most likely win a fight against lower rank vampires, so I want to test you against us, the progenitors" Everyone's eyes widened as the words rolled off his tongue.

They whispered to each other about how crazy or deadly this could be. Others thought it would be over quick depending on who I'd be fighting against.

"I decline Lord Ferid" He appeared in front of me bending low to my ear.

"There's no declining here unless you want me to pour your heart out to Rene since he is here watching or I could expose you where you stand'' He whispered so only I could hear.

How did he even know that? What else does he know about me that I don't know he knows.

"How! You-" He sure knows how to make others do the things he wants, but I know for a fact that he will spill my secret even if I hesitate to follow what he says at this point. I just hope my opponent is him at some point I'll make him wish he didn't know.

"Well let's begin, shall we" He spoke as if he were hosting a big show in some big arena. "First up to challenge this divine beauty is the 13th progenitor Crowley Eusford" We stood at opposite ends as everyone in the sidelines watched cheering for obviously Lord Crowley. I will get to the bottom of what Ferid's deal is progenitor or not.

"You can do it Kara!" I turned my attention to Chess and Skuld rooting for me in the sidelines.

"Don't hold back, although I might go easy on you just don't expect so" He is so calm about this. That pleasant smile of his doesn't show any reassured emotion.

"Believe me I won't" We drew our weapons when Ferid told us to. I don't know any of my opponent's weaknesses, but I do know the way he fights if that's beneficial to my life at the moment or that's even if I still have a life after this battle.

"Any last words?" Ferid asked looking at both of us, but smirking mainly at me.

"If I shall fall today know that I fell trying" I said never taking my eyes of Crowley not even for a minute.

"FIGHT!" Ferid called out right as Crowley quickly moved to attacked me I dodged just in time. Confidently I went in for the attack only to be kicked in the stomach, my back hit the wall causing a dent and bricks to fall to the ground with me. At least I know they have my back. Everyone on the side cheered while Crowley came at me with full force. I recovered quick enough to dodge his next attack.

"You're holding back, if you keep dodging this fight will never end let alone be fun" I gripped my sword tightly using everything in me to knock his sword clean out of his hand, then counter-attacked him knocking him down to the ground where I put my foot to his throat and my sword pointed in his face.

Silence filled the air while everyone stared at us in shock even I myself was shocked that I beat Crowley Eusford in battle. Unknowingly everyone found themselves cheering loudly for me. Ferid even surprised himself.

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