you can be born with it or can happen overtime.
it can be physical or psychological.
it can creep on you as slow as a snail or as quick as a snake.
it can drag you into a denial.
a denial you don't realize you obtained. speaking psychologically.
they often mix ignorance with blindness but I believe they've mistaken.
ignorance is ignoring.
not choosing to see what's directly in front of you.
but blindness.
blindness is truly not seeing what's wrong. seeing everything as natural. the more you engross the blindness the more light seeps away.
the more blind people there are.
the darker the world gets.
until that's all there's left.
Thoughts of a Broken Girl
PoetrySometimes when going through pain you need to express your feelings. Some cry it out, some workout, some sing, dance, and some write. Whatever it may be it's healthy to express your emotions, your thoughts. Im not writing these short excerpts to bri...