The world is an interesting place.
The colors, looks, feelings.
They all work together to make it all.
The way the stars shine in the night.
The way the sky is so crystal blue.
The way the flowers bloom as so.
And in all that, the people flourish.
We peel through the streets in cars.
We run down the stairs for breakfast.
We try to live life to the fullest at all times.
We push through the pain, to go on.
We come out on top; time and time again.
Everyday tells a story, good or bad.
But we love it because its ours.
We cant change that fact.
Even when we want to, it stays true.
And we still stay with it, in the end.
The world is an interesting place.
And at the end of the day, that's ok.
Interesting is better than the same.
Interesting is more than plain.
And interesting is good.
Until you try to be plain.
You try to go a day without great.
You try to stay the same.
And the world crashes down.
Because no one has to be the same.
Interesting is good. But no one seems to realize.
PoetryPoems that just came to mind; in the middle of class, on my bed, in the shower, etc. Very weird places.