Chapter 4

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Callen pulled up outside the bar and Alexa hopped in.

"Thanks, if you didn't suggest it I probably would've never driven this car." Callen smiled.

"Ha. No problem. It is a nice car though, maybe you shouldn't drive it?" Alexa laughed.

"Maybe not." He said putting the car in drive and pressing the gas. "Oops, too late."

Alexa laughed, "You need help."

"What I can't hear you over this awesome driving!" He yelled.

"You just popped my ears! I'm right here, no need to yell!" Alexa yelled back leaning closer to him so he'd get mad.

He gently shoved her back to her side. Alexa turned on the radio and Circle of Life started playing.

They looked at each other and started laughing.
"Guess he didn't take his daughters CD out." Callen said still dying of laughter.

"Well it is a great song." Alexa says and starts singing along. "It's the circle of life!" Callen puts his hand over her mouth.

"No!" He says still laughing.

"Mermmsomean" Alexa mutters into his hand.

"What?" Callen asked smiling. Alexa licks his hand. "Hey! No!"

"Haha scared of my tongue." She said sticking her tongue out at him. They stop at a red light. He looks over to Alexa and sticks his tongue out at her. He turns back to the light. They are both smiling and still listening to Circle of Life. It's a long song and neither of them tried to change it.


They arrive at the NCIS HQ. Sam is outside staring at his car trying to find any scratches or bumps.

"He didn't scratch it!" Alexa said getting out of the car. Callen got out and stared at Sam.

"You need to trust me with your car." Callen said

"Nah, I won't take the risk!" Sam replied. Sam and Alexa laughed. Callen made a serious face then walked inside. They followed. Once inside, they walked up the stairs and into the ops room. Alexa slowly and carefully climbed the stairs and followed them in.

"What ya got Eric?" Callen asked. He crossed his arms and leaned against the table. Sam did the same. Alexa sat in a chair and leaned back.

"The number you gave, we traced to this house." He said pointing at the screen.

"That's Luke's house." Alexa said.

"OK well meetings at 8, so they won't be there yet. It's only 5." Callen said

"They're probably getting ready. Eric send Deeks and Kensi the address and have them watch them for a while, then come back here to regroup before the meet." Sam said.

"You got it!" Eric replied spinning his chair back to the computer and started typing.

"It's gonna be a long 3 hour wait." Alexa said.

"Yes it will be." Hetty said walking in from behind. Everyone turned to her.

"Hey Hetty!" Alexa said.

"Hello Alexa how have you been?" Hetty asked.

"Good and you?" Alexa said.

"Good." Hetty replied. "Go get your gear ready."

"Yes ma'am." Callen and Sam said in union. They walked out, Alexa following behind, crutching her way slowly.

They get down to the armory and put together their gear for the meet. They grab their guns and some ammo and head to the shooing range.

They put the headphones, that lower he sound of the gun shots, and the glasses on. They start shooting at the targets.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Callen hits the button to bring all the targets in.

"Holy..." Sam said looking at Alexa's target.

"I think that's a new record?" Callen said.

"Really? Good I've been trying to beat my old one forever now!" She replied.

"No... Wait you're the one... You... Record.. What?..." Sam confusingly said.

"Yea! That record is my score." Alexa smiled.

"Huh... That explains it now." Callen said smiling.

Sam still looked confused. They took off the headphones and glasses. They reset their guns with new ammo and and grabbed their gear and went back to the ops room.

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