Tough Decisions

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"You can make it; I believe in you."

"I can't— I can't."

"Please, we're so close. Look! There's an elevator shaft that goes up. It looks like it still works."

Francis winced as he tried his best hold up Arthur's weight as they hobbled through the mines. Arthur whimpered as they both made their way towards the shaft, his broken leg weakly dragging beneath him. Both were too injured to walk on their own, yet were barely able to help each other walk. There was no way they were going to simply lie here and make themselves a grave. If there was a way to get down here, there must've been another way to get out. Besides, this was a mine. There's countless exits and entrances.

Reaching the shaft, Francis gingerly set Arthur down on the platform and quickly turned on the power. Luckily, it was still on for reasons unknown. This could mean someone else alive and well minded was down here. However, Francis didn't ponder further on that possibility for it mattered very little to him.

After a few splutters, the shaft very slowly began to ascend upwards. Francis sat down beside Arthur, grimacing at his open wounds.

"Here... wear this." Arthur said softly, pulling the old turtle shirt over his head.

"No, I can't take that. You'll freeze if you don't wear it." Francis refused, giving a soft grin.

Ignoring the other's protest, Arthur shoved the shirt into Francis's hands.

"You're hurt on your chest and your back. You need coverage more than I do. Infections are dangerous, you know."

Francis chuckled lightly, slipping it over his head. The cotton stung his injuries but it gave a very thin relief as a cover from the cold breeze.

"Ah," He sighed, "I would counter with frostbite at being more dangerous but with this shirt or not we would still be equally at risk of it."

Arthur gave him a crooked smile in response, carefully leaning against him. For a moment, the only sound greeting their ears was the soft creaking of the shaft and whistle of the wind above their heads. It was eerily calming in comparison to the horrors that met them before.

Francis shifted a bit in the shirt, glancing down at it briefly. It looked awfully familiar... The feeling of the fabric didn't feel too foreign at all. Near the collar, a speck of red was seen. Francis was all to familiar to certain stains and this was... wine.

"Arthur," The boy inquired curiously, "where did you get this shirt?"

Arthur looked over at him, with a shrug. "This man down here gave it to me when I tried to get to you. He—"

The words leaving his mouth suddenly hung frozen in the air as his eyes widened in shock. Arthur shakily put a hand to his lips, renounced fear causing shudders to creep up and down his body.

"The man... I left without him. I left him f-for dead out there!" Arthur cried, guilty tears streaming down his cheeks. "Oh God— what if I killed him?! What if my reckless action killed him?! I-I can't... I–"

Francis frowned slightly, reaching over to hold Arthur's cold hand in his.

"Wait... who? What man? What are you talking about?"

Arthur let out a weak cry, unimaginable guilt flowing through him. Oh no... Ivan had saved him and informed him of what they needed to know. He gave him a shirt and knowledge to ensure safety. Yet, he left him for dead. What if he was dead? Arthur couldn't bare the guilt of having someone's blood on his hands. If he hadn't of jumped towards the wendigo, him and Ivan probably would have gotten to Francis in a safer and more efficient way. Maybe they wouldn't of had to go quietly up a shaft and-

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