Ludwig [ Flashback ]

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[ Gilbert's P.O.V ]

2 years ago

"Come on, brother! The pirates are coming after us!"

I watched as my little brother, Ludwig, dashed before me into the forest of trees that surrounded our house. His small bear feet made imprints in the wet soil below, leaving little footprints behind him. My own bear feet pressed over his tracks as I ran behind him.

"We have to get above ground! Their swords will be licking our ankles if we stay down here!" I shouted, hearing a string of giggles erupt from him.

We were playing out imaginative game called "Island". We were stragglers on an abandoned island and we survived in the palm trees. However, the 'palm trees' were just the regular, tall trees around our house. In the game now, apparently, pirates were after us and we needed to get away from them.

I chuckled as I watched Ludwig quickly scurry up the tree, tiny hands grabbing at every open branch. Closely I followed, climbing up the same branches my little brother climbed.

It was an incredibly cool day with the perfect amount of sunlight which made it a wonderful day to go out and play. Up above, the sun peaked through the treetops, leaving a beautiful pattern of light green shadows on the ground below. Directing my attention back up, I pulled myself higher up the tree before settling myself on a thick branch.

"Ha ha! Those pirates can't touch us up here!" Ludwig yelled happily, sitting atop his own sturdy branch.

"Yeah, those suckers have nothing on us!" I exclaimed with a childish cheer, leaning back calmly against the tree trunk.

People often made fun of me for always hanging with Ludwig and playing these childish games with him. Hell, I'm 16. Boys my age would be out in malls hanging about or doing who knows what behind their parents' backs. I would be doing the same but I have to stay with my brother and keep him happy and well. That's my responsibility. Besides, I do have my own group of friends at school. We hang out every week or so at least once— and once a year we go up to one of their family's lodge in the mountains which is very neat.

Ludwig let out a sigh of triumph as he lied back on the tree trunk as well, looking up at the treetop. I watched his joyful gaze look past the leaves and through the little openings that revealed the clear blue sky.

"Hey Gil," Ludwig said with a smile, continuing to stare up at the sky, "do you think we'll be able leave this place one day? Like, go on a real adventure?"

I exchanged the smile with a nod, "Of course. I promise you one day we'll go on all sorts of adventures! Just me and you, bro. We'll go everywhere in the world."

His smile flickered a bit. "Just us, right? I don't want to bring dad with us."

I bit my lip for a bit, my eyes trailing to the bruise on my brother's cheek.

Our dad was never the best person. He constantly bashed on my brother and I for the silliest and most meaningless things. It was impossible for us to ever please him. I believe it's because he blames us for mom leaving us even though I know full and well that mom left because he never did anything to help out around the house. Yet, he always blames us for it and puts so much shit on us. I understand the entire gravity of the situation and know what's truly right from wrong, but Ludwig is so young. Whatever dad says, he believes. Dad constantly yells and slaps him around, calling him every name in the book.

"No. Dad won't be coming with us." I responded strongly, making sure Ludwig knew I meant it. "Only nice people are allowed on our adventures. The only nice people in the house are you and me. Dad won't be allowed to be with us."

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