chapter 7

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(this is ironic,,dan literally rebranded to daniel as the daniel in this story "rebranded" to dan)

the name chimed in his head like a beautiful melody. phil couldn't believe it. the prettiest boy he'd ever laid eyes on wanted him to call him dan. nicknames weren't that common around there. no one really did it, 'cause it wasn't formal enough. royals were to be called by their full names and their full names only.

phil sat daydreaming like a lovesick puppy when his mum snapped her fingers in front of his face. "philip, i've been asking you a question three times now; what colour do you want on your tie? luna said she didn't mind so you can choose." phil let out a longing sigh. "red like the shimmering jewel in his crown."

mrs. lester crinkeled her nose. "his?" her tone was judgemental and had a tint of disgust in it. phil snapped out of his hopeless romantic state and quickly backtracked. "oh shhh-oot did i say his? i ment her of course! pfff why would i say his?"

his mum just squinted her eyes at him and let out a displeased "hm." phil tensed up and faked his best smile. mrs. lester slowly shifted her gaze downwards again and wrote it down. "thanks.. that would be all philip, please go somewhere else, i've got work to do."

phil quickly pushed himself up with both hands and scurried away. "i'll be in the garden." he mumbled a response before exiting the office.

a light breeze embraced phil as he walked in the gigantic garden at the front of the castle. the sun shimmered in the pond and he smiled. the memories of last night were clear in his head. he closed his eyes and a small laugh escaped his mouth at the thought of him almost walking straight into it. then he could just about feel the arms securily draping around him and dragging him to safety.

he opened his eyes again and sat down in the grass, crossing his legs. his hand swirled in the water. it was cold.

that pond had been there his whole life. when his parents would be too strict on him as a child, he'd come out to the pond like this and swirl his hands in the water. it would calm him down and it still did to that day.

his train of thoughts were stopped by a voice calling. "don't sit like that philip, your pants will get green marks."

phil inwarldy growned before plastering on a fake smile and turning around to his dad who was now stood on the porch, tea cup in his hand. "of course not, father!" phil called back, flowers in his voice.

he rose from the ground and brushed himself off. he had indeed gotten a dark green stain on his baby blue trousers, though he wasn't going to admit that to his dad.

before he could notice, phil swiftly moved to the swings on the other side of the pond. he sat down on the faded red seat and sighed.

'i may not get to choose my partner, but atleast i'll be free from my parents' rule once i'm married.' phil thought, staring up at his dad who was now settling in a chair on the porch.

he looked down at his shoes, dangling from the swing. both hands holding onto the ropes, he slowly started to swing back and forth. he heard his mum walk out on the porch as well, apparently done with her work. the clicking of high heels stopped and he heard a conversation start up between his parents.

the swing stood close by the forest by the castle. another thing phil would do as a child was go into the forest without permission and start looking for bugs or squirrels. he'd call himself 'the animal king' and dig through piles of leaves and mud to find his precious animals. then when he'd come back covered in mud and grass, he'd of course get shouted at, but the satisfaction of going against his parent's will was rewarding enough.

the conversation on the porch was faint, but he could make out little bits of it.

"but why would he say that?" was a sentence that definetly stood out. phil was suddenly very interested. "it was probably just a slip-up. he corrected himself, didn't he?"

phil squinted at the porch, it being some distance away. his father hadn't even looked up while saying it as his mother stood there tapping her foot, hands on hips. her expression was a mixture of confused and angry. she threw her hands out in what looked like frustration and just turned around to go inside again.

a droplet of sweat ran down the side of phil's face. jesus, he had to get his hormones under control. he couldn't let his puppy love talk for him.

just as he heard the front door slam shut a rustling sound caught phil's attention. the sound came from behind him. the dark-haired boy turned his head only to be met by the same eyes he had been seeing all day. only this time they weren't in his head - the chocolate coloured eyes were staring directly at him. phil held back a yelp as the other boy held his finger to his lips.

he extended his arm for phil to grab onto and that's exactly what he did. before he knew it they were running through the forest, giggling like children. the older of the two felt his heart swell looking over at the laughing face of the other.

this was not puppy love. he was falling. deeply and madly.


me, awkwardly scratching my neck,

so um i may or may not have abandoned this fic for 4 months?? im sorry okay i have the biggest writers block and no inspiration to write ://

updates may be slow, i apologize

peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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