Ch 15 / Girlfriend and Good Times

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It was February before I was allowed out of the camp hospital.

Even with my daily draft of necter, I still felt week. I couldn't take part in most of the every-day camp activities so I spent a lot of time helping out here and there. Running messages, sorting books in the camp libruary, collecting stray arrows at the archery ranges, that sort of thing.

I successfully avoided Leo for a while, but two weeks after I was let out of hospital Chiron sent me to the forges to collect a newly fixed sword for a new camper.

Of course, the only camper at the forge was Leo.

I walked in, saw Leo, spun around and rushed out.

I sat down under the shade of a beech tree, just outside the forge and closed my eyes.

I was gong to have to talk to Leo at some point, we couldn't go on avoiding each other forever. Why not now? 

I stood up, bruched the dirt off my jeans, took a deep breath and walked into the forge.


Leo heard me come in this time. He turned around and dropped the dagger he was working on.

"Um, hi." he said, running his hand through his curly hair so that it stood up. 


Awkward pause.

"Chiron sent me to collect a sword for some new kid."

"Oh, yeah! I remember. Give me two seconds, it's around here somewhere..."

Leo dissiapeared for a second and then re-appered holding a short sword.

He handed it to me and for a second, our hands touched.

"Are-you-OK?" Leo asked in a rush.

"Um, yeah."

"I'm, er, sorry about, you now, leaving you..."

We both knew what he ment.

I took the sword from him.

"I'll be going then."

I turned to leave.

Leo stood there for a second, watching me go.

Then he stepped froward, grabbed my arm and pulled me around.

"For goodness sake Summer, we can't just leave it like this."

And he pulled me in close and kissed me full on the lips.

The door to the forges opened and 2 of Leo's sisters walked in. They stopped dead in their tracks, staring at us.

I quickly broke away and scuttled out.


I saw him again the next day. I was down on the beach after supper, standing at the edge of the water, watching the sun set.

I sensed Leo beside me before I saw him.

He silently walked up to me and we stood, staring out to sea.

"Hi." that was Leo, I could feel my heart beating fast.

"Hi." I replied.

He turned his head slightly so that he was looking at me.

"I'm sorry about last year, at the lake. I wasn't feeling great, I don't know what happened."

"Oh." I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Did anybody ever tell you your really hot?"

A few seconds ago, I didn't think it was possible for my heart to beat any faster but it did.

"I guess I just wanted to tell you, that I think I really like you. Like, I know you're not going to be interested in me, cute girls never are know...if you ever..."

"I've never been interested in anyone but you." I whispered.

A smile slowly spred acroos Leo's face.

"So, you and me, do you want to-"

I spun around.


Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him.

Leo stepped back and I went with him. We tumbled backwards into the icy water.

The seabed fell away beneath us and we broke apart, treding water.

Loe smirked at me and pulled me in close. 

I ran my fingures through his soaking wet curly hair.

Our lips met.


Now began the best few months of my life to date.

I was introduced to Leo's friends, the other members of the crew of the Argo II.

I was 'Leo's new girl' and I loved every second of it.

Leo's part in the war against Gaia moved me up the social ladder so I was now part of the top circle.

I suddenly had friends everywhere. I was never alone, I always had someone to talk to.

But the best times of all were when Leo and I slipped away in the evenings and walked along the beach hand in hand, or we'd mess about in Bunker 9, or just laze around in the strawberry fields as winter slowly turned into spring.

It was almost too good to be true.

Sorry, I haven't updated in FOREVER.

Next chapter should be i n t e r e s t i n g, see ya peeps!

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