Ch 16 / Remember and Red Alert!

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2 chapters in 1 day, I think I'm going mad. But who cares about me right?! ;p Chapter 16, coming up!

I love my life.

There will be capture the flag tomorrow, Leo and I would both be on the Hermes cabin's team, fighting against the Athena cabin's team...


"Ok, here's the plan," Travis Stoll form Hermes cabin began to explain how a main group of campers would charge straight at the enemy territory. the reamaining campers would be split into 3 groups, one to guard out falg and the two others would sneek round the edges of the forest to try and find the flag.

Both Leo and I were in the main group.

The sound ofthe horn in the distance sgnlesd the start of the game.

As one, the main strike force of our team charged through the trees towards the creek.

Leo grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the main group, dragging me off the main track and off through the trees to the left.

"Come on!" he shouted over his shoulder, "I bribed Piper to tell me where they were going to put their flag!"

I sprinted along behind him, dodging round trees and jumping ditches.

We burst out into a moss-carpeted clearing. Leo skidded to a stop.

"This is wrong, Piper said the flag would be here!"

Out of the corner ofmy eye, I saw something move just outside the clearing.

"Leo!" I yelled pointing, but it was too late.

Warriors dropped down from the trees overhead or darted out from behind trees. In under a second, we were surrounded.

Piper stepped forward, smiling, not unkindly.

"You're so easy to trick Valdez!" she grinned. Piper on her own wouldn't have worried me much, even with her charm-speak, but there were at least 10 other campers with her, all heavily armed.

Leo and I stood back to back. I drew my dagger, bow and arrows would be no good in close combat.

"So," Piper asked, "What's it to be, will you surrender, or will we have to fight it out-"

Suddenly camper burst in from all sides, campers with red helmets, our team!

All Hades broke loose.

Campers locked swords, archers in the tree-tops fired arrows that exploded when they hit the ground, sending up smoke so that before long it was impossiable to see more than a few feet in front of you.

Within 5 minutes, most of the Athena team had been knocked to the ground by our renforcements and the smoke was begining to clear. I blocked a the sword of an Athen camped as he swung his blade at me and kicked his legs out from under him. He fell to the ground yelling 'I surrender!'

I looked around for Leo, he was locked in combat with Clarise, one of the only memebers of the Athena team sill standing. He ducked to the side as she jabbed her bronze spear at him and grabbed the spear near the tip. The spear glowed red hot and Clarisse let go with a yelp, stumbleing backwards.

Leo relaxed glancing around to check that the enemy had all been captured and then his eyes fixed on my. He smiled and began to pick his way towards me.

He suddenly froze, tensed and crumpled to the ground.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. I ran towards him. There was no-one else within 5 meters of him, no-one who could of stabbed him from behind. He'd just fallen...

It was like trying to run throughthick syrup. I reached his side and dropped to the ground beside him.

People were begining to realise something was wrong, someone was calling for a medic.

I craddled Leo's head in my arms. he was still breathing, but faintly. What could have caused this?

Leo's eyes flew open and he said one word.


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