RHATO: Jason Todd X Reader - Worries

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Hello there everyone! Happy to meet you all!😆😆😆
So making a book like this has been a project of mine for a really big while now, so I hope you like it!

This is New 52 Jason when he was still part of the original Outlaws with Kori and Roy.

Have fun!😂😂😂


The night was cold, not that cold, but to a person who was sitting on top of a roof top, only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of trousers, YES it was pretty damn freezing! And guess who was in those exact conditions at the moment?

Yup, dear old you. And you cursed every inch of your being for not bringing a jacket when you first stepped out of your house.

Why were you in that place, you ask?

You could put the blame on your boyfriend, Jason Todd, and your idiotic self to actually have let yourself let him convince you to meet him in a place like that... but what could you do? You were heads over heels for the charming ex-robin.

You had been toghether for some time now. Other people would never believe how a couple between a resurrected vigilant and a simple girl could work, but you both were the living proof that it could. You had been with him in some of the hardest times of his life since he had came back and he had been there for you, so you could say you were both in a very solid relationship, as far as dating anti heroes goes.

You checked the time on your phone. He was late. That was a bad sign. He could be stuck on some trouble with the mob, a villain or something like that...

Suddendly a lot of horrible images went through your mind, mainly of Jason getting himself killed and never comming back to you, those thoughts broke your heart, you couldn't bear them. You knew that was a risk, when you started falling for such a dangerous man, but that didn't meant it still didn't hurt you every time he dived into danger.

Today seemed to be a specially hard day.

You clenched your fists and closed your eyes, trying your best not to think those kinds of scenarios, but failing miserably at doing so. The more you tried not to think about it the more those thoughts occurred to you.

Suddendly, you heard a creeking noise behind you, calling you back to reality.

Out of pure instinct, in almost an instant, you took a gun out of the pocket of your jeans and turned around, pointing the weapon at the source of the sound and bravely confronting it.

So... yeah... you weren't exactly what you could call a normal girl. Jason had gave you a gun and told you how to use it, just in case something happened, furthermore you were a Black belt on a serie of martial arts...so you could pretty much handle yourself.

Fortunately, the cause of the noise was a familiar one. It was Jason, more specifically, right now, the Red Hood since he was still wearing his helmet.

"Wow! Don't shoot! I would appreciate not going back to the Lazarus pit!" - Jason joke, putting his hands in the air - " Is it because I'm late? Miss me that much, beautiful?"

You sighed in relief, finally relaxing and putting the gun away.

Then, without any warning, you tried to punch him. He caught your fist pretty easily though...

"Took your damn time!" - you complained, going back to your normal self.

You already knew that you wouldn't be able to hit him, but that wouldn't stop you from showing your disapproval. It was okay, he already knew you didn't meant it seriously and you really needed to let out some steam, for the stress worry he made you feel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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