Chapter 1: For the First time

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Nashi POV:

I look at mom and dad. They seem happy. But more happy than usual, what's going on? I know it's my birthday and all, but they have never been this excited over it. "Mom, Dad, are you ok? What's going on?" I ask them, curiously.

"Happy Birthday,  sweetie! We have a special suprise for you! You are going to meet Gray's son,  Storm!" My mother almost shouts. "More friends? Yay!" I become happier. "Aaand it's HIS birthday too! You are both 10 today!" Wow. I'm 10 already. Wait, did she just say it's his birthday too?!

Storm POV:

I wake up in my room. It's my birthday today, not that i'm happy about it. Mom and dad always makes a huge fuss of it. I just hope that they don't remember... I get up and do my usual routine. I go downstairs and see that the living room and hallway has been decorated with birthday banners. Mom did this.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY STORM!!!" I jump out of my skin at the shouting and I scream lightly. I turn to find it's my mom and dad. "Uh, yeah, happy birthday to me. Yay. " I say sarcastically. "Storm, you're going to have a sleepover this weekend! With Natsu and Lucy's daughter Nashi!" Huh. So I finally get to meet this 'Nashi' girl. Let's just hope she is as nice and sweet as my parents make her out to be.

Nashi POV:

I grab my bags and my parents walk me to Gray and Juvia's house. I was told I was spending the entire weekend there! Let's just hope Storm is as nice as they make him seem.

We arrive at their house and I knock on the door. I see a boy looking through the window, but I can't make out who it is. He disappears from the window and the door suddenly creaks open.

Storm POV:

She is here. I look out of the window and I see a pink haired girl with Natsu and Lucy. Nashi? I see her looking at me. "Oh crap!" I duck down from the window. I walk to the door and I open it nervously. I look at the girl and I introduce myself. "H-Hi there, I'm Storm. It's nice to meet you!" Crap! Why am I being nice to this girl?! She is about to get all of the attention and not me!

I lead her inside along with Natsu and Lucy. The girl said something but I can't quite make out what she said, so I ask "Hey, um, I'm sorry but I dont know what you said. " She turns and looks at me and repeats "My name is Nashi. So you're Storm? I have already heard so much about you!" and then she smiles. I feel my insides twisting and turning as she smiles, but in a good way. What are these feeling I'm having?

Nashi and Storm POV:

And for the first time ever, I felt a strand of happiness flow into me. As soon as I met him. As soon as I met her.

What does it mean?

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