Brand New Day

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*Mori's POV*

I woke up slowly, mindful off the birds singing near my window. I sat on my bed and stared off the space for a while before looking at my phone. I smiled at my wallpaper.

It's a picture of me and Chia when we were kids, with Honey smiling behind us. We both looked so cute and I wasn't as tall as I am now. Her hair is in pigtails and have pink ribbons on them. She looked like perfection.

I started getting ready for school, Honey running into my room to make me hurry. I wonder why he's so hyper today, considering that he usually is but today, he is EXTRA hyper, jumping all around my room with Usa-chan in his hand.

"Mori-chan , hurry, hurry! Please hurry!!" He said with a happy atmosphere around him. 

I finished and he immediately pulled my hand to head outside, nearly forgetting his own bag. We were already seated at the limo when I realized that there's someone else inside with us.


"Good morning, Mori-kun! Honey fetched me a while ago from the mansion." She said, I must have been staring at her that's why she felt the need to explain.

"Okay." I said and smiled a little. Honey sat at her lap while we ride in silence to school. I stared more at her. I realized her long hair is in pigtails like from my wallpaper but with white ribbons instead. She looks so cute... I blushed at the thought of suddenly hugging her tightly. What's happening to me????

*Kaoru's POV*

Big sis is finally home! I jumped out of bed, surprising Hikaru in the process.

"Hikaru, come on! Let's go to school with Big sis together!" I said excitedly.

Hikaru stood at the foot of out bed, already dressed in uniform. "Big sis already left."

I sat back down, shattered. Big sis already left us again?

"She already went to school, that's what I meant, silly!" Hugging me out of my reverie. 

"Oh." I sighed happily, I thought she left again for good.

"What, who did she go with today?"

"Honey fetched her earlier."


Hikaru sighed, saying that he was also shocked that Honey was up early in the morning. After all, Honey has been known to get really scary if he gets woken up too early or disturbed in his sleep much like Kyouya, those two are probably half demons XD.

I got dressed and went to school immediately with Hikaru. I heard him chuckle under his breathe but I know he is happy too. We just adore our Big sis so much.

*Timeskip to lunch break*

We just entered the club room to be greeted by an unusual but pleasant sight.

*Tamaki's POV*

'WOWWW!!! MY new daughter in such a beautiful gown!!! ' I thought, fangirling at the sight of Chia which have been dolled up by Renge.

She stood in a beautiful white wedding gown dress her hair in a beautiful up do, making her look like a fairy out of a story.

(Fu-chan here!! So the dress above was one of the Favorite gown designs that I saw while browsing wedding gowns for no reason *Cough* *Cough*)

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(Fu-chan here!! So the dress above was one of the Favorite gown designs that I saw while browsing wedding gowns for no reason *Cough* *Cough*)

It was such a pretty sight that almost every one (Mori, Honey, Kyouya Renge and I) are transfixed by her. We didn't even notice the doors open to show the twins and it was the same reaction as us. 

"Guys?" Chia said and I hugged (Fu-chan:*Cough*Tackled*Cough*) her nearly making the two of us fall down. 

"My daughter looks so PRETTY!!! Don't you think so too Mommy???" I said, looking at Kyouya. He snapped out of his trance and adjusted his glasses making his eyes unseen. He have a faint blush at his cheeks. He must be sick. (Fu-chan: Dense much, Tamaki????)

"Yes, very pretty. It was a great idea for choosing this theme however I suggest that she should get a table of her own for the session later. It would probably gain more profit that way."

I clapped, delighted at the idea, and turned to Mori.

"Mori, can you get a table from the room next door? Thank you!"

Mori immediately went to the said place, blushing furiously at seeing Chia in such a dress.

I tried to hug (Fu-chan: *Cough*Tackle *Cough*) Chia again but Renge kicked me out of the way and pushed Chia to the room the came out from, probably to make her try more dresses.

"Boss, why is Big sis in a wedding gown?" The twins asked and I started to rant excitedly about the event for later after school.


Fu-chan here! Yup, didn't see much of Chia today huh? No worries about that. You'll see her later at the next chapter. Would Mori be brave enough to be her groom at the session/event for later? Find out more later!

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