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"Help me Jimmy."

I said in a desperate tone. I didn't know what to do anymore, I'm in need of help. I felt like I was in another world. Everything seemed unfamiliar to me, even my own home.

Y/n is sitting on the couch. I passed her a cup of hot tea and sat down beside her. She took a sip and stared at nothing in particular. Her face was lifeless as if all the energy she had, has been sucked out from her. From the looks of it, I don't think she is faking anything. She even said my name wrongly.

"Ok, first of all."

I started and she slowly turn her head towards me almost robot-like.

"My name is Ji-Min not Jimmy."

'Oh' was all she managed to say.

"Now, can you tell me what's going on?"

I asked as sweet as possible hoping that she'd tell me.

"I can."

She started as I smiled lightly signalling her to continue.

"But you won't believe me."

She said looking down at her cup of tea, having no hope in her voice. My gaze softened as I stared at her lifeless face. My hand slowly reached out to caress her cheek.

"You know I will."

I said while caressing her cheek lightly, but she immediately flinched at my touch. I looked at her, shocked and confused as she looked at me like I'm some weirdo. Noticing her discomfort, I quickly retreat my hand back. She proceeds to put her cup of tea on the table and look at me.

"Believe me when I say I never had a boyfriend and I really really don't know you."

She said really slowly, making sure to stress on the word 'really'.

"Come on. Cut that out already."

I said still not believing that she is still going on about the not knowing me thing. She sighs in frustration as she puts her forehead onto her knees.

"Told you, you won't believe me."

She mumbles in a crouching position.

"Now I'm all alone and I don't know what to do."

Light sniffles coming from her. And that's when I realise, maybe she is telling the truth. So, I went along with it.

"Hi, I'm Jimin. What's your name?"

I lifted my head up and found him sticking out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Y/n."

I said softly as I reach out my hand to shake his.

"Well Y/n, I bet you're hungry. Let me bring out the breakfast I made."

He said and went to the kitchen to get the food. Not long after he came out with two plates of pancakes.

"I made your favourite blueberry pancakes!"

He sang out, holding two plates in both of his hands.

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