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It's the day before using the PU500 to travel back to my original timeline, and Jimin is still giving me the cold shoulder. It's almost a week and he is still ignoring me. I thought he would have cooled down by then, but he's still not talking to me till this day.

I have tried to talk to him for the pass few days but, I did not get the chance to because he is usually not home most of the time and even if he was, he would always be too tired to talk afterwards. Just excuses he gives when he's trying to avoid something or someone.

If the machine works, and is able to send me back to where I belong, then today would be the last day of being with each other and I don't want our relationship to end on a bad note, so I have decided to confront him and finally ask him what's wrong.

He does not have work today so it is a perfect opportunity to talk things out and get on his good side. Hence, I got up bright and early to personally make him breakfast. Pancakes with banana, one of his favourites.

I flipped the last pancake over and carefully place on to the plate stacked with layers of pancake. I brought the plate of pancakes to the eating table and decorated it with maple syrup and sliced bananas. I stared at my piece of art, thinking that Jimin would be so touched that he might even shed a tear when he sees this.

The opening and closing of the fridge snapped the image of Jimin crying tears of joy out of my head. I looked up to see him walking away with a bottle of water in his hand heading back towards his room.

What? Not even a good morning or a simple hey?

"I made your favourite breakfast."

I said in the sweetest voice possible thinking that he did not notice me there. But even with my obvious announcement that I'm literally standing here, he completely ignored me and continued walking to his destination.

I slump down on the chair staring at the pile of pancake hopelessly feeling so depressed.

However, 15mins later, I hear him come out of his room. I immediately straighten my posture, face beaming in hopes that he'll come and eat the breakfast I worked so hard on. Maybe it's just wishful thinking because I saw him all dressed up and ready to head out of the door.

Having enough of his childish acts, I dashed towards him to grab hold of his wrist, preventing him from taking a step out of the house.

"Why are you like this?"

I said in a low voice, looking down at his feet to make sure it stopped moving away from me before looking back into his eyes. However, the moment I met his eyes, mine started tearing. His eyes widen, seeing mine pooled with tears, sadness and desperation.

"Why are you ignoring me? If I did something wrong please tell me. I'm leaving tmr and if it works, I'm never seeing you again and I'm not sure if I want that and I just don't know what to do."

I blurt out everything I was feeling and broke down crying. Not wanting him to see me cry I squat down, buried my face into my arms and cry into it like a child being left alone in the mall.

After a second I felt a warm embrace around my body. He hugged me and kept saying 'I'm sorry' repeatedly to me. We stayed like this until I calmed down and steadied my breathing.

Once I stopped crying, he unraveled his arms around me and cupped my face with his hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how you felt and I was just thinking about me. I thought that ignoring you will make it easier for me to let you go. I'm sorry for being selfish."

He smiled sadly while tracing my tear stained face with his thumb.

"If I'm being honest, I don't want you to leave. But I won't stop you."

He continued as a tear escaped from his eyes and it's his turn to cry. I hugged him and we stayed that way for a long time, being in each other's arms.

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