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It's his birthday today. I'm on my way back from work early to make sure that everything goes according to plan. When I get home, I'll have to make sure that everyone is present before Jimin reaches home. He is usually back home by 7. It's only 5 which gives us plenty of time to prepare.

I walked back home with light footsteps and hummed a random tune while opening the door to my house.

"You seem to be in a good mood."

I was about to reply when I realised the voice that wasn't part of the plan.

"You're back already?"

My face was pale as though I've seen a ghost.

"Yeah, welcome back home to you too."

He stated sarcastically.

"No, I mean... I'm just surprised that you're back early."

I stumbled trying to close the door behind me.

"What do you mean? It's a Friday. I always end early on Friday."

He eyed me suspiciously as he sat on the sofa sipping on his juice box.

Upon seeing that I'm having trouble locking the door, he let out a questioning hum and walked towards me.

"Are you okay?"

I was deep in my thoughts, trying to find a solution to this situation that I did not think it through. I got startled when he tried to get the key out of my grasp.

"I mean you can't even lock the door properly."

He said as he proceeds to lock the door for me.

I was panicking. I need to get him out of the house somehow, so I just blurted out something on the top of my head.


Blurted out? More like shouted out.


Jimin asked in concern.

I took this opportunity to make a big deal out of nothing.

"I forgot to buy chips on my way back. OH NO! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!"

I make it as dramatic as possible.

"Oh, I thought it was something major."

Jimin sighed at my dramatic act.

"No you don't understand. I was planning on watching my drama while eating CHIPS! BUT I FORGOT WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!!!"

I yelled as I shake Jimin roughly. Jimin looked at me slightly annoyed while removing my hands from his freshly scrunched up shirt.

"Aye, stop overreacting. If you want me to get it just say it."

A smiled spread wide across my face.

"I want BBQ flavoured Pringles thanks! Oh, while you're at it grab a pint of chocolate ice cream too!"

"Lazy ass."

That was the last thing Jimin muttered before walking out of the door.

Phew! That was too close.

I quickly called all 6 members once the coast was clear as we were running out of time.

I was walking back home after getting whatever Y/n requested for. I smiled to myself as the dramatic scene played back in my head.

Lazy pig.

I thought to myself, the smile never leaving my face.

I saw that the lights in the living room were off but I didn't put much thought into it. I opened the door and on the light to the living room.


I heard 7 voices singing me a birthday song as confetti falls before my eyes. Y/n was holding a cake while singing, carefully making her way towards me.

"Happy birthday Jimin! Quick make a wish."

She stated with a smile.

I stood there dumbfounded. Everything happened so quickly.

"What are you waiting for? Quick make a wish before the candle burns out!"

Y/n urged me back to reality. I quickly made a wish and blew out the candle. Everyone clapped and was cheering with bright smiles on their face. Without noticing, I felt a cool sensation across my cheek.


Before I knew it the whole cake was on my face. But it was the best birthday I could ever ask for.

Sorry for the short story I really wanted to post this on Jimin's birthday.

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