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What the hell am I doing here?

Why am I doing here?

Where is Jimin?

Did the experiment messed up this bad for me to be in a hospital?

I feel fine though.

Jimin must be worried.

Questions started running through my mind as I stared blankly at the white wall. My thoughts were cut off when the door swung open, revealing a doctor and a few nurses following behind. The doctor immediately examine my condition and asked me if I felt uncomfortable in anyway which I shook my head in reply.

"Well everything seems fine and there isn't any problem, so you can be discharged as soon as tomorrow."

The doctor informed me as he scribble something on his clipboard.

"Can I ask what happened to me?"

"Oh I guess you don't know."

He looked at me trying to speak as if I am a mystery.

"You were in a coma for about 3 months now and we can't figure out the cause of it. We only manage to find three different types of sleeping pills in your system and that wasn't enough to even kill you according to the dosage and your BMI. You just wouldn't wake up."

My eyes widened and my brows furrowed after what I just heard. I just froze trying to process the information that was given.

"Do you remember anything before you blacked out?"

Without giving me time to reply the doctor spoke up again.

"You weren't trying to commit suicide right? I mean I don't think you're suicidal at least that's what your mum said."

My mu-

I jerked at the sudden bang and the door flung wide open as my mother came rushing in.


My mum exclaimed as she came in and hugged me.


I questioned, confused as to why she's here.


I exclaimed as I hugged her back, so happy to see her.


I gasped, realising what was actually happening.

I'm back home.

And unknowingly, a tear rolled down my cheek.

It was already dark out and my mum had left, but before she left, she told me what happened the day i blacked out. She had came in the afternoon to drop off some side dishes at my place only to find me still asleep. She tried to wake me up but I wouldn't budge. She said she tried everything to wake me up from slapping to pouring cold water but I still refuse to move an inch. She got worried and decided to call the ambulance and I have not waken until today.

I should be sleeping but I couldn't as my brain wouldn't shut up. After the doctor told me that they found sleeping pills in my system, I instantly remembered that I popped a few because I couldn't sleep.

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