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"You guys come out," Sungjin said knocking on the door of Jae's room. "Hyungnim is coming. Get up and take a shower." He stood there stretching for a while.

Jae sluggishly got up to open the door. "Huh?" He asked with his eyes barely open.

"I said take a shower cause Hyungnim is coming in like 30 minutes." The leader repeated sounding frustrated.

"For what?" Jae went through his hair roughly with his fingers then he shut the door even before Sungjin answered. He walked over to the bunk bed. "Yah wake up... Dowoon, Brian.. wake up." He pushed and tapped them in an agitated manner.

"Good morning." The maknae couldn't understand what was going on but still smiled. He yawned and pulled himself up.

Jae returned a smile. "Go shower. We all have to be ready in 30 minutes so don't waste any time. I took a shower late last night so I really don't have to now.. Why did I tell you that ..anyway just hurry up." He climbed back on his bed to sleep for the time period when dowoon would be in the shower.

He pulled the covers over his head but slowly brought it down when he noticed that Brian wasn't getting up. "Mr. Kang, you have five minutes to be on your feet."

"Ahhhh Jae.." The middle child whined and sat up to lean on the wall. He still had his eyes closed. "We went to bed at the same time."

He threw his pillow at Brian's face and sat up as well. "Stand up. 1 2 3-"

Brian pulled himself up with his eyes still shut. "Hyung hold me." He stretched his hands out like a baby for Jae to hold him but he got hit on the head instead. "What was that for??" He screamed and threw punches in the air.

"You're embarrassing yourself in front of Dowoon." The oldest said pursing his lips together. He grinned at the maknae who was barely coming down from the top bed.

"Hi Dowoon."

"We'll be going to Gwangju Province to spend about three days so I want us to leave this night so that we can have Friday as part of the vacation as well. You guys will share a travel bus with Twice and Jimin... your managers will be there to chaperon without me cause I'm gonna go with Got7 and 2pm in another one." JYP stopped and looked at Jae. "Can you text Jimin to be ready at 6pm cause we all have to leave at 7."

After he left, the boys went to start packing their bags.

"What are you taking with you?" Jae asked dowoon as he popped his travel bag open.

"I don't really know. We're not staying for that long anyway. What about you hyung ? Hyung?" He turned to see Jae that had both hands on his ears. His face showed that he was in pain but he was unable to speak.

"Hyung! Hyung! Hyung what's wrong?? Hyung. Let me call-" Dowoon panicked and stood up quickly.

Jae grabbed his shirt and gestured with his hand for him to stop. He mouthed that he was okay as he leaned back to rest on the edge of the bed.

"Hyung you're not okay. At least let me get water."

"N-no. Dowoon sit. Ju-just sit."

"Hyung." He wailed with tears welled up in his eyes. "Hyung what's wrong with you?"

"Are those tears?" Jae tried to seem normal with a forced smile. "Come. Come here." He pulled Dowoon into his arms. "I'm fine. Dowoon. I just- my head hurt a little. I'm a bit stressed out." He stroked his back and patted it. "I'm fine, don't cry."

"You scared me. You were in pain?? You don't look fine to me." Dowoon managed to say.

"Okay okay. I said I'm fine, didn't I? So stop crying already." He let go of him and held his face. "Do you want me to let your fans know that they stan a crying child?"

Dowoon shook his head. "I'm a soft boy not a crying child."

"Psssh." Jae chuckled. "Just don't let those tears fall." He caressed his face before folding the cloth he had been holding.

"What's going on?" Brian asked walking into the room.

"Nothing. He was missing home I guess." Jae said winking at Dowoon to tell him to play along.

Dowoon nodded as Brian ruffled the front of his hair. "Awww uri maknae. Grow up, will you?"

"Stop. He's not in the mood." Jae scolded. He felt guilty that Dowoon had to hear that when he was covering up for him. Although he had no reason to lie to Brian, he didn't want him to worry and become sad. He looked up at him. "And oh yeah Brian, we're sitting together on the bus."

"We always sit together. It's nothing new."

"Just saying. Cause you might wanna ditch me for someone else."

Brian looked at him like what the heck then he shook his head and took some clothes from the closet.

"Let the boys go in first and jimin, you can go in with them as well. Twice you'll come in last okay?" One of the managers said addressing the members of each group. They were standing outside in the company's parking lot.

All day6 members went in. Sungjin, wonpil, Dowoon and Jamie sat in the four-seater all the way in the back, while Brian and Jae sat in a two-seater in front of them to the side. They watched twice members hop in and the third person was Nayeon. She looked so excited that she wasn't paying attention to the steps. She tripped and hurt her ankle.

"Oww. What a way to start a vacation," Her manager sounded consoling as she spoke, "you have to be careful. Don't put too much pressure on it so that the pain is less. You need to have fun so let it heal quickly, okay?"

She nodded and frowned. She was more embarrassed about the fact that Brian watched her trip than the fact that it actually hurt.

"This isn't the first time. She needs to be extra careful or else I'll make you give her a piggy back ride again." Jae whispered to Brian and both boys laughed quietly.



Thanks for reading! <3

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