Chapter Three

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I smiled at Harry as he bounded out of my car. I went to verify our tickets. I got two wristbands for us to wear and I made sure he had his phone and that it was charged. 

'Just incase we lose each other.'

'I'm Eighteen, Elle, I can look after myself.' Harry chuckled at my behaviour.

'I know babe but I only have a few hours with you and I want to make sure i'm with you all the time.' I smiled, tears pricking my eyes as I thought of his departure. 

'Come on baby. No tears, please, otherwise I wont be able to leave.'

'I don't want you to leave though,' I coughed and a couple of tears dripped down my face. Harry pulled me to his chest and I wrapped my arms around him tightly, thanking god I had chosen to wear waterproof mascara and I wouldn't leave black smudges on his white shirt. 

Suddenly, our calm cuddle was interrupted by an 18 year old girl.

'Oh my god! You're Harry Styles! I love you, you're my favourite!' She smiled gleefully. She then glared at me, wrapping herself around Harry, holding on tightly when he tried to push her off. 

'Who the hell are you?' She asked snidely. Harry's expression visibly darkened and, without hurting her, shoved the girl off him. 

'Don't talk to her like that!'

'But Harry, baby - ' She stuttered as Harry narrowed his eyes at her.

'Do not call me that! I'm her baby,' he said, pointing at me, 'not yours.'

The girl huffed an glared at u both before shoving past me, pushing me with her shoulder. I was not going to take this shit from a girl that doesn't even know me. Harry had wrapped his arms around me but I pulled away.

'Excuse me.'

She turned around, 'What do you want, Bitch.'

'Excuse you? You're in no position to call me a bitch, I've done absolutely nothing to you, so why do you feel the need to insult me? I see no reason for your hatred towards me. I came here today to spend Harry's last day with him. So excuse me and the boy I love while we go enjoy our day.' I made to walk off, but she grabbed my arm, pulling me round to face her.

'Bitch, no one talks to me like that!' She raised her palm, ready to slap me. As her hand whipped towards my face, my ninja skills surfaced. I grabbed her wrist and spun her round, holding her arm high against her back, immobilising her. 

'.. and no one calls me a bitch and gets awaywith it either.' I pulled her arm up and she whimpered in pain. I pushed her away from me, disgusted as she stumbled away.

'Oooh, Someone's a bit feisty I see.' Harry had stood back, watching in awe as the girl and I had clashed.'Well, as you saw yesterday - God, I can't believe it's only been a day - when Katya called, I can be mean.' I grinned evilly. 

'Don't worry love, I like it,' he winked at me, and I blushed. 'Comeon then babe, I want to go on Air.' I laughed and let him oull me along.

The ride was reat and we were both breathless when we got off. Harry wanted to go again but there were others to go on, so I dragged him away, promising we would go back later. We rode on Oblivion next and I held tightly to him the whole time, screaming. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to rides.

We tumbled off the ride and Harry was almost crying from laughter.

'Oh, haha, Oh my god!' he got out between chuckles, 'You scream so much it's unbelievable!' He burst into a fresh wave of laughter and I hit him.

The rest of the day went by fast and eventually we had to leave. We walked over to my little red Beetle, which was glowing golden russet in the setting sun.

Harry pulled me to him and I wrapped my delicate fingersin his curly haiir. Hishands pulled me to him by my hips and we kissed. We kissed as if it was the last time we would see each other, which i guess in a way it was, as i wouldn't see him for 12 months because of this tour.

I felt Harry pulling away but I wanted more so as soon as he got a breath, I crashed my lips to his again. We kept on kissing until mine was te only car in the car park. I even saw the girl from earlier sneering at us when we pulled away again. I smiled in satisfaction.

Harry was all mine and if I had anything to do with it, he always would be.

The drive home was a comfortable one, and even though we were quiet most of the time, only singing very loudly whwen What Makes You Beautiful came on over the radio. 

'You don't know you're beautiful.' Harry sang the climax of the song, looking straight at me. I blushed and he carressed my cheek with one finger. We were almost home by then, so we sat  in silence, hands entwined across the central console of mycar. Everytime I shiften gears, his hand was in mine so we did it together.

We reached my house and jumped out the car. I properly introduced Harry to my mother and she told him to look after me. I pulled him upstairs after that, and leaving him outside my room, I got ready for bed.

'Can I come in yet?' Harry called from behind my bedroom door. I jumped into bed and shouted that he could. Harry came into my bedroom and smiled at me snuggled in bed. He came over and climbed in beside me, stripping off his shirt and jeans as he did so. I grinned at his naked torso and muscular legs and he winked at me, laughing. 

He kissed me softly on the lips and I decided I wasn't tired anymore. I pressed my lips to his urgently and he pulled me closer to him, lifting me onto his hips as he sat up. My hands ran over his chest and abs, tracing the muscles there. His hands ran down my sides and onto my legs. Like this morning, his lips left mine and he kissed the spot behind my ear. He then proceeded to kiss down my neck and my eyes slipped shut in pleasure, my lips pursed. He nibbled at the base of my throat and he sucked gently, leaving a mark on the smooth skin on my neck. He licked the lovebite he had left and I gasped in surprise with the feeling it left. I pulled his lips to mine once again and when we pulled away, his eyes had darkened in desire. 

I kissed him, before kissing up his jaw and i nibbled his ear lobe a little. 

'Elle,' his voice had become husky, 'If we don't stop I wont be able to leave tomorrow.'

'I don't want you to,' I whispered back, just as breathless as him, 'But I know you have to.' My legs had wrapped around behind his back and I untagled myself from him, flopping onto my mattress next to him.

'I love you Elle, I really bloody do.'

'I love you too Harry, so much.' I snuggled into his chest and went to sleep, worrying slightly over what we were losing tomorrow. 

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