Chapter Five

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* 7 Months Later*

Mum's condition had gotten worse. She was slowly detoriating and needed my assistance a lot more. However, she had told me to go visit Harry and the boys with my girlies. She also told me that Hannah would need me, what with being pregnant. 

I was saying goodbye to her and I bent and gave her a hug. She was in a wheelchair now and could barely get around as her energy reserves ran out quickly. I didn't want to leave her but she was insisting on me leaving. Everything felt so wrong - why did I feel as though I'd never see her again?

Hannah gave my mum a hug too. My mum stroked her stomach and tears misted in her eyes. A feeling of sad curiosity came across me, why was mum so upset? She knew I'd be back.

My mother cried uncontrolably when we left and again I was left wondering whether I was doing the right thing, as tears pricked my own eyes and streamed down my face. 

Hannah and I drove in silence. It was awkward, not filled with our voices as we sang to the radio -God, the radio wasn't even on! I reached forward and stretched a finger to the dial.

'Don't,' Hannah said, just as I was about to turn it on. 'Everything's weird, everything to do with our departure then was wrong. Do you know what's happening?'

'I think she's dying,' My statement hung in the air, and I was thankfu; we had reached the airport, because I could not see through my tears. I heard Hannah's sobs beside me and I slumped in my seat, resting my forehesad on the steering wheel.

'NO! She can't die! She Can't!' I screamed the words and pounded my fist against the steering wheel. A few passers by jumped as my car horn went off.

Hannah grabbed my wrists, tears still streaming down her face. She pulled me to her and I rested my head on her protruding stomach, her own head was resting on my shoulder. We cried together and held one another until we stopped crying. 15 minutes later, Lauren tapped at my window, making both Hannah and I jump. We had long since stopped crying but our eyes were still a bit red and puffy. Wisely, the girls didn't ask what was wrong. 

The flight we were on seemed fairly quick in comparison to my other trips to America. In no time we were landing and everyone of the girls was ruching to do make up and look god for the boys. I only slicked on some mascara and lipgloss. Hannah had a pregnancy glow about her and didn't need any make up at all. 

We got off the plane in Orlando and the boys greeted us as soon as our feet touched the gorund. Harry ran over to me, picking me up and spinning me round. Then he and the others noticed Hannah and their mouths hung open in shock. Louis gulped and made a joke, commenting on how he had missed Hannah's twentieth birthday. 

'I'm going to be a dad?' Lou smiled happily as Hannah nodded and smiled. Then I saw Liam nudge Louis. Lou reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. After he proposed, everyone hugged each other and Harry gave me one of his toe curling kisses. 

'Hello Beautiful,' Harry's smile was contagious and it made me push my worries over my mum to the back of my mind. 

'Hay babe, I missed you.'

'I missed you too love, I can't wait to take you to the Them Parks here - Seaworld is awesome! Although it isnt as good as our last day out.' I laughed at Harry's childish smile and he entwined his fingers with mine.

We all walked over to a limo, as a couple of tourists took pictures on their smartphones and cameras. Hannah waddles behind us, grabbing the attention of all the fans taking pictures. Her Belly led the way, like usual. Some people cheered for the couple, others were obviously jealou but still smiled at her and Lou.

We all climbed into the limo and Hannah flopped, taking up two seat. I snuggled into Harry and fell aleep as we went to the boys' hotel. 

As we reached the hotel, Harry shook me awake. It was clear that the paparrazi had found out about us coming, because flash bulbs went off as soon as they saw the limo pulling up to the entrance. The Limo parked and as we all climbed out, each boy covered their girl from the cameras.

Each boy had a twin room, so we all parted. I went with Harry to his room and he offered to help me unpack. He hauled my suitcase onto my bed and opened it. On top of all my clothes was a letter. It was my mother's handwriting and it was addressed to Harry. He opened it and his eyes raked over it, misting slightly. 

'What is it?' I asked.

Harry cleared his throat, 'Oh, nothing, just your mum telling me to look after you.' He slipped the letter into his back pocket. I could tell he was lying to me, but I didn't push it.

Four days later, I found out the truth.

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