Chapter Six

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'Hello? This is Maria, I'm the concierge. I have a call for a Miss Elle Jamieson?'

'Speaking. How can I help?'

'Press 2 if you want to accept the call.'

Doing as Maria said, I pressed 2 and a familiar voice came to my ear.

'Hello? Elle?' It was my grandfather.

'Pa? Why are you calling?'

'It's your mother.'

I clutched the reciever tightly in my hand, my knuckles turning white, and tears fell down my face.

No.. She couldn't be..

'She passed away last night. It was peaceful. She wasn't in any pain. She went in her sleep.'

'Ok,' I sobbed down the phone, 'I'll book the first flight home available, I'll -'

'No, Eleanor. She wants you with Harry. There was a note on her bedside table. It said that she'd written a letter to Harry. Has he got it?'

'Yes, he does. Do you know what it's about?'

'Sorry, No. I have to go now sweetheart. Look after yourself, stay with Harry and Hannah, they'll look after you.'

'Ok, Pa. stay safe, I love you.'

'I love you too. I'm sorry baby girl.' The dialing tone droned down the reciever and I dropped the phone, it's twisted cord stopped it from going far though.

Harry, who had been watching the entire time, wrapped his arms around me and handed me mum's letter.

**Dear Harry,

In the next few days, I'm sure I will die. I hate that this is the subject of the only letter you will recieve from me. Promise you'll look after her. I don't want her coming home. Her Pa knows to put the house up for sale, and put all of our things in storage once im gone. I've left everything to her and you.

Promise me you'll look after Hannah too. She's a second daughter to me and I know she's got Louis but please do it.

I can see the love you and my daughter have for each other and I accepted you as my son - in - law straight away. You two are meant for each other and I'm sad I can't see your relationship blossom further. I'm sad I can't see you get married or have children.

Don't show this to Eleanor until I'm gone.

Look after her, give her your everything, she deserves it. She's already given you her heart, I can see that, and I know you have given her yours too, Love From Samantha.x **

I was never going to see my mum again. Tears streamed down my face and Harry wrapped his arms around me. For a second, I wanted to pull away, run and hide, but I needed Harry when i was in this state. I let the letter fall from my fingers and I watched with tearfull eyes as it floated to the carpeted floor of the suite. I then curled into Harry and sobbed loudly into his chest.

'Shh baby. I'm so sorry love. I'm so so sorry this has happened to you. I'm sorry. Do you want me to get Hannah?' I shook my head, wanting only to be with Harry. I knew I would have to tell the girls but i wanted to put it off for as long as possible. Harry kissed my neck softly, still whispering his condolences as I cried.

'We need to talk to Simon and Paul. Your mum doesnt want you at home, you have to stay with me.'

'But Harry, I have to go home eventually -'

'Elle, you're going to live with me and Louis.'

'But -' I started but Harry cut me off.

'No buts. The boys and I will be your family. We'll pick you up when you're down. We are your family now, I'm just sorry it's because you lost Sam.' Tears were still streaming down my face as he continued, 'I love you and you read your mother's letter. Your grandfather is selling your home, all your belongings are in storage. Live with me, please, I just want to look after you... Let me.' 

'Harry, for years I have been looking after my mum - it was my purpose. She needed me. For a long time, all I wanted was for someone to look after me, but I cant do it. I can't find it in myself to let go for a moment because it's not who I am. I can't be that person that lets others look after them. I'm sorry but that's not me.'

Harry cut me off with a searing kiss. He pulled away with a look of slight sympathy on his face. When he spoke, his words were soft.

'I'm not asking you to get us to do everything for you - God knows we are too lazy to do that!' I smiled at him a little, 'but we want you to know that we are there for you, no matter what.'

'I know Harry, I just don't want to be a burden.'

'You are not, and never will be, a burden to me, Elle. I just want to know you're safe. Tomorrow we will speak to Simon but for now you need to rest. I'll be here when you wake up.'

'Promise?' I needed his reassurance, I was feeling fragile. 

'I promise, Elle. I love you.'

I drifted off to sleep while Harry sang to me, 'I'll be here by your side, no more fears, no more crying...'

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