Chapter 5

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"So," Harry began in the car.


"What's the deal with your mom?", he asked.

"Long story or short?"

"Is there a medium?", he laughed.

I laughed, "I can try?"

"Okay, shoot."

"Well, my mom just never really cared about me. She had me when she was 18, just graduated, and she was always putting herself first. She just never really cared. Until I moved out and she couldn't ask to have me buy her things or she couldn't claim me on taxes or get child support. That's when she cared," I waited for him to say something, " I sighed, "it took me forever to figure that out though..."

"I see, that seemed like the short version,"

"You can find out more details soon enough," I smiled.

"Okay, okay, I won't push you into anything. Um, what do you need? Like where should I go?"

"Oh, I need to stop by my apartment, if uhm, that's okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, where's it at?"

Karis was just leaving the building as Harry pulled up in front of my building. What perfect timing. I ducked down quickly, I wasn't in the mood for one of Karis' infamous investigations and questionnaires.

Harry cleared his throat, "Um, may I ask what you are up to?"

I jumped when I turned around because he was ducking as well, "Jesus,"

"Jesus?" he laughed.

"No! I meant you scared me... But my friend was right there, and I am not in the mood for her millions of questions..."

"Oh, okay," he sat up looking out the window, "well, there isn't a single being outside your building at the moment."

I sat up looking out, and right at the window was Karis. I shot Harry a glare as I got out, "Why don't you go to the store and run your errands and pick me up when you're done?" he nodded and sped off.

I turned and started walking inside, only to be yanked back by Karis, "Where the hell were you yesterday!? I nearly had a heart attack for fucks sake! Jesus, your mom was calling me, Alice Brynn!"

I yanked my arm back and kept going inside, she would be like this for the next half hour.

"Do you have any idea what I was thinking! I called the cops, but they couldn't do anything until after 24 hours because you're not a minor, I was worried sick, Christ, Alice!"

The more she talked to me the angrier I got, I stomped into the elevator and tried closing it on her.

"Oh! So now you're just going to ignore me and try to close the door on me? Really, Alice?"

The elevator binged and signaled for me to storm away from her, I dug around in my purse for my keys, I opened my apartment door and slammed it in her face, she was just too much sometimes. And this was one of those times.

"And may I ask who that guy was that you were with!? Huh?"

I huffed, walking through the bathroom and my room collecting some things. I wasn't really sure how long I was staying for, I guess I should've asked.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you fucking some random guy you just met and pure moving in with him? This is a whore move! You're going to regret this! Stop acting like a worthless whore!"

That was it, she's gone too far, "Okay, listen! Just shut up for two seconds, please! I'm not a 'worthless whore', I'm not fucking him an I don't plan on it! He's helping me, if you really want to know where I was last night I was trying to kill myself, now please, go!"

She stared at me for a moment, I knew she had good intentions but she's gone too far. I didn't usually yell back at her, I just let her keep going and going. But I wanted to change.

"I'm sure that's exactly what happened, Alice," she scoffed.

"Are you trying to tell me I'm faking this?" I was shocked, how dare she? She had no clue what I was going through. Depression isn't easily noticed, it's usually not noticed until it's too late.

"Yeah, that's actually what I am saying. Are you going to have schizophrenia next week? OCD the week after that? And after that you'll have whatever other bullshit you're learning about."

I was so hurt, she was the only friend I had here, I ignored her and kept packing my bag. I could always come back for more things if I needed to later on. I couldn't stay here any longer. I shoved past Karis and started to leave, "That's what I thought, Alice".

Jesus, she always had to have the last word, I flipped my middle finger up at her before slamming the door and stalking to the elevator.

"Alice!" , Harry called me over.

I climbed into the car, and as soon as I did it's like a wave of emotions that had been building up crashed and poured out. I cried, I let it all out. All of the anger, hurt, sadness, everything that I kept in surrounded by the numbness was released. Harry just sat there, stroking my hair, like he understood. He just let me cry and it felt good, for once it felt good.

"What do you need me to do, Alice?"

"Help me," I whispered.

Ayyyyyye, finally got that update though.
Thanks for over 600 reads, it's crazy!
Like over 600 people have read something I wrote.

Sorry about the update taking forever! schools almost out and then I'll be updating more! I promise!

Happy Memorial Day!

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