Chapter six

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Let me know what you think of this one.

Kicked open and swinging on its hinges, the door reveals a tall box made of disfigured bars and a thins metal base.I brush away my hair with the back of my hand and stand up, pulling Lilly with me. I know a fair bit of kick boxing, but I'm not prepared to take on someone as burly as this guy. Gingerly, I step into the cage. I've only put one foot in when its thin metal floor pops in the corner, the welding snaps creating a small hole big enough to slip a finger through. It reveals the concrete ground beneath us. I pause with Lilly clinging onto my arm like a child.

"Well! Keep going . . . Or do you need a push!" He laughs like a hyena.

"What if the entire thing falls apart?" Lilly whispers while the guy continues to laugh. He pulls open his book and records his latest comment.

"I don't think he cares." Lilly's face falls.  I try to reassure her with a pat on the shoulder and lead her in. The man finally stops laughing as the cage is closed and locked. I lean against the bars while trying to stand in a secure corner.

"It wasn't that funny." I mutter.

"What!" A fist full of my hair is tugged through the cage. My head is pulled back, forcing me to face upwards. I clench my teeth and try to control my breathing. "Your in The Games now honey, don't put your life at anymore risk then it already is." His hot breath blows into my ear. Giving my hair a final tug, he shoves the back of my head. I grasp onto any bars I can, only just stopping my self from falling on Lilly. I give her puppy eyes a half giggle. I'm only playing rough, everything's fine. But everything is not fine. This is a huge breach of human rights. The only thing hanging between Lilly and I is my locket. I unlock my fingers and stand patiently for what's coming next.

The burly man holds onto a bar attached to the cage like a closed in super market trolley, and pushes. I'm  thrown into the bars again while Lilly collapses  to the ground. The cage rattles along the tiled floor. I should have guessed that would happen.


"I'm fine." She whispers, her voice quivering.

"Quiet!" The man calls. My throat can't take much more anyway. With no food and no water, I'm going to have to rule out talking.

I lace my fingers around the bars opposite each other for support. Lilly stays sitting and presses her feet against one side and her back against the other. The colourless walls reflect the light, reminding me of the hospital I went to when I was a child.

Before turning a corner, screaming can be heard. Our cage stops in front of another. Another guy is yelling  threats at a girl as she refuses to get in the cage. Burly walks past ours  and pushes the other cage aside, away from the door.

The girl attempts to bolt, but Burly grasps onto her wrists with one hand, and her ankles with the other. He grumbles as she continues  to scream and throws her into a cage similar to ours. The other guy locks it and they both grab the bars of a cage and carry on.The girl I front  of us looks at me miserably. I was lucky enough to have Lilly to explain to me what was going on but this girl looks like she's having a melt down. I try to smile in comfort and her expression turns from one of a poor child to a seething glare. She huffs, blowing her curly blond locks away from her face.

I look away and silently wish her luck in what's to come. She let's out a moan, and then another scream.  Her blotchy face is stained. Should I be like that? In tears and yelling my my heart out. Maybe I shouldn't wait for the right moment to leave or someone to find me. Maybe I should go out with a fight.

We continue following the cage in front of us before entering another room. This one is semi light. I cover my mouth with my hand. Filing the room is at least 30 cages, all the same size as ours, and all with one person occupying them . . . accept ours.

"Would you look at that?" A skinny tall guy says astonished." I guess we'll have 32 instead of 31 contestants this time." He looks Lilly and I individually in the eyes. I don't know if anybody knows what he said, nearly everyone is screaming or yelling or crying. All of which I'm sure were taken with out any form of consent, just as I was.

"Attention please! Or you'll be removed from the room and we'll donate your body to future spells." Burly yells. The room is immediately  silenced.

"Well then, welcome to The Games everybody!" The skinny dude says to positive and enthusiastic for the traumatic experience we've been through.
"In a moment, this wall here will roll up..." He hits his palm in the metal wall. " and you'll be released into a forrest which is actually the centre of an arena." Lilly squeezes my hand. She was right.

"You'll be hunted by werewolf's and vampires. Your aim is to survive as long as you can." I notice how he didn't say to attempt to survive full stop, just to see how long we can. What ever happens, we're not getting out of here.

"Here are guide lines and precautions you should take. It is called The Games for a reason. Five werewolf's and vampires will be released after you have a few minutes head start. The Games is about who can catch the most humans. It's a live show. Once found, the person can harm you, harass you in what ever ways they feel,  and/or claim you as their slave, mistress what ever. Their aim is however to kill you. The stronger your spirit, the harder it will be to find you, but will mean the more points they get. There's prizes after, but you won't be around for that." The guy smiles wickedly. I gulp, along with the rest of the room.

"Stop playing with them! Just give them the basics so we can get this show on the road! We're not selling tickets by doing nothing!" A girl screeches. Lilly fiddles with the hole in the cage.

"You can't do this! There's laws against everything you've been doing!" A boy younger then me yells. Lilly taps my shoulder and points to the hole.

"The wheel!" She whispers cautiously. "We can unscrew it!" I look at her confused. I've got slim  fingers and the skills to undo the wheel, but how is that going to help?

"Laws? Who's laws? You belong to the super natural now! You play by our rules, wether you like it or not!"

"The screw, to unpick the lock!" She whispers again. I nod and shift over to carry out the plan. I'm surprised that Lilly would think of this, using the smallest of tools to her advantage. I ignore the screaming boy and find the head of the screw with my fingers.

"Oh no you don't!" Burly kicks at my fingers. The thin sharp metal digs into the inside of my fingers. A short piercing cry slips through my lips, interrupting the boy. I carefully pull my fingers out from the hole.

"You have no weapon, and no rights." The thin guy starts before the boy can. I hold my staining red fingers out, away from my body. A small pool begins, collecting drops from the tip of my fingers.
"You are now a subject to the mythical world and it's beings." He pauses to look at the boy."and it's law, of course." Lilly rips a bow from her dainty skirt. The knot comes undone before she gently ties it around my two injured fingers.

"Apply pressure." I nod and try to distract myself, it's all in the mind. I simply need to concentrate on something else and I'll be fine.

"Occasionally, a werewolf will kill you and leave you for a vampire so they can have a bit if a drink, if your still warm." A girl with long blond hair speaks up.

"Ready?" She says. People start screaming and crying and everyone not in a cage  grins. A shrill bell rings, and the metal door rolls open.

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