Chapter four

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Hey guys, having trouble saving the title, it won't publish properly so just ignore that . . .


The clink of a needle returning to its metal table rattles my ear drums. If I wasn't paralysed, I would be shaking violently. Partially because Im cold, and partially because I'm scared - scared of needles and what ever place I've landed my self in.

The air rushes into my lungs and I feel as I did before the injection.

My skin feels like it's crawling with ants made of ice. The table I've been strapped to isn't much help, the cold air prevents what little body heat I have from sustaining any warmth on the metal under me.

Frost places her hands over where the performance of the injection had occurred, and starts chanting. I expect another dose of pain tracing the same path that the fluids from the injection took but nothing has happened yet. If anything, there's a dull throbbing, but that would've been a result of the puncture on the inside of my elbow.

What did she say she was doing before? Activating the potion to . . . Mask my scent. Well jokes on you witch, I'm scared of dogs, even if you don't  hide my scent, they'll never find me, and I'll be sure of it. Your wasting your time.

I realise my mistake. I'm mentally flicking myself in the head for calling her a witch. There's no such thing as a witch, there's no such thing as a vampire, and no chance is there a werewolf. A person with the ability to morf into a wolf is crazy.

I'm trying to ignore the woman's monotone chanting and plan on how I'm going to get out of this place. It's clearly not the holiday park, part of a trip I thought I was going on. Hopefully at some point I won't be paralysed and then I can make a run for it. I don't know where I am and I don't know how to get out, but if I don't try, then I'll never know. At least if I try and I fail I can give up knowing I can't do anything about it.

Suddenly, my thoughts of leaving are interrupted by a sparking sensation. Within a second, my body experiences a tingling, it's a like being flashed with an extremely hot light.  It's as if all my nerves are being tickled.  It's  so quick, that I don't have time register wether it hurts or not. Thank goodness, I think I've suffered enough.

Frost blends into the invisible walls. The sound of metal scraping on metal indicates the door is being opened. I stretch my ears to untangle the whispers but I can't make out anything.

Frost reties my wrist to the  table while Charlie injects something into my neck, right where he nicked it last time. The liquid is almost colder then the room, making the sensation of fluids being squirted into my neck more uncomfortable then necessary. Fortunately, it's not painful, but leaves what feels like a cold lump on my neck.

The table I'm on is wheeled out through the door. I can only see the ceiling and the tops of multiple doors. This hallway is slightly lighter then the last room I was in, but nothing compared to how light it should be.

Another door is opened. Charlie pushes me through into a small room. This is the first time I've ever had a dream where every room and hallway I go into is dark. Charlie leans over me with an atrocious smile before untying all the leather straps. The door is shut with the echo of a bolt sliding home, and the whine of another girl is released.



Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment, I like knowing if I'm doing something right or not . . .

Oh damn it! I was editing this thing ( for once) and I put a space in between the please, like this 'ple ase' and. OH MY GOSH I hate fixing dumb mistakes. Hmph.

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