Chapter five

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Hey guys and gals! Another chapter! For those who arnt in their hols yet, just hang in there, becuase schools almost out! Please vote and comment! Means so much to me!


"Who are you?" The girl asks. I try to answer, only to have my lip tremble slightly. A small achievement in the moving department.

"I'm Lilly." The girl answers her self. She comes and sits next to me. Her image strikes me as childlike, but I have the feeling she's the same age as me.
"I'm 15, " I was close."how exciting that were in this together!" I wouldn't call it exciting, this place so far has been my personal hell on earth. Needles, paralysed, crazy people thinking their beings of a fairy tale. No logic. And no camera. My camera is the only thing that could comfort me right now.

"This will be so interesting. I've heard about The Games. My mother was a hunter." I raise and eyebrow, then smile, then smile wider because I'm gaining control over my face. Lilly grins back.

"She told me all about the supernatural world. The vampires, werewolf's, witches and more." My smile fades. Have they brain washed this girl? No. I tell myself, this is just a dream, just play along and I'll wake up.

"I always wanted to be a hunter but my mother said no. She said its dangerous. She either is sent on a mission to protect someone by the order of Purity, or is employed by a particular person to work for them. Like a vampire or a werewolf to hunt down someone and kill them." Sounds like a real fun job. I remember as a child telling my class  what my parents did as a job one afternoon. Imagine this girl saying 'my mum kills people'. I'm not so sure how well people's heads are screwed on around here.

"What's Purity?" I manage to whisper through a scratchy throat despite all the other questions spinning over and over in my mind.

"It's a group of people who are kind of the head of the supernatural world. The government I guess. They attempt to keep everything peaceful between tribes and packs while hiding us from the humans."

"Us?" Hiding us from the humans? I am human. I don't belong here!

"Well they haven't been doing a good job have they? We've been stolen out of our world and introduced us to theirs. We're in The Games. Humans have their scent hidden depending on how strong their spirit is. Our body's aren't accustomed to spells and stuff, so if our spirit isn't strong, and they give us a strong spell, then we'll potentially die. After we've all been through what you've been through, they put us in a forest and from their I don't really know what happens. " my imagination has run off the rails.
"My mum told me about this. She didn't want me to know anything, but after her last mission, I think she got so confused that she didn't know who she was talking to." There's a long silence as I wiggle my toes and bend my arm. I'm finally able to blink which is bliss.

"How were you taken?"Lilly asks.

"Oh, um," I clear my rusty throat. "I had just won a trip I applied for in town. I was told I would be taken in a private plane to a fancy hotel and from there I could do what ever I wanted. They had sent me tickets to a holiday theme park." I remember how excited I was receiving the tickets. I would never have had the money to pay for something like this myself.

" I thought it was real, I didn't realise it was a scam until I was in a mansion in the middle of no where as directed." I guess thinking about it now, it did seem a bit odd, but I wasn't thinking at the time. Excitement ruled that out.
" Someone held a cloth to my face and then I woke up here." I don't know if Lilly understood anything I said. My voice came out in a huge range of pitches that cracked and crumple every few words. She nodded though, so hopefully she got some of it.

"That was probably the home of a supernatural. They tend to hide them selves away from humans and build the most beautiful homes. I don't know how they get the money but that are loaded." Lilly sighs. After telling me how she went through a similar thing, a package is thrown into the room through a slot in the door.  Lilly excitedly jumps to pick up the item. Her loose skirt dances with her. Wait, where did Lilly get her clothes from?  I look hopefully at the package she's carrying. When Lilly passes it to me, I notice no evidence of an injection in her arm. She sees me looking at it.

"My spirit is to weak to have an injection. Stick by me though because I know a few tricks thanks to mother. I'll keep us alive." I look worriedly at her, my hands tucked into the rapping of the package to tear open. She takes in my expression.

"Oh no no, I was joking! It's just a figure of speech! I'm sure we'll be fine!" My heart continues to pump. I don't think Lilly portrays the right mood to be here. Does she not realise that were trapped in a dark room? Not only that, but we've been strapped to tables and attacked by needles? Lilly smiles at me.  I nod nervously and start putting on the contents of the package. Clothes.

"How strong is your spirit?"

"My scent is completely hidden." I whisper, remembering the injection, or 'potion' .Lilly looks astonished.  A smile creeps onto her face and mouths the word 'wow'.  I'm jealous that she didn't go through what I went through.

"That must've been painful." She whispers. I try to suppress the recent events into the back of my mind where they're locked and bolted in and ditched in a hole.

"They'll come for us right? Our parents I mean?" I ask as evenly as I can. It feels like someone's scratching blades down my throat. I'm going to have to minimise my talking.

"They won't. Nobody will notice we're gone." Lilly's eyes sag and her body slumps on the table. She looks defeated. "Our history in other peoples lives is erased. Removed from photos and videos and any other piece of recorded information.  Nobody will ever know we existed." 

A pang of sadness and loss shoots through me, shattering my heart. I may live with my parents, but I'm only 16. Unfortunately, my parents both work on planes. Dad a pilot and mums a flight attendant. It's how they met. They were constantly away from home, I hardly saw them on weekends. It was like I owned the house we lived in. I cleaned it, cooked and paid the bills. Any time I had with my family was precious, which made building memories together was hard. An effort from both my parents and I. To think now that any memories we have are gone, makes my hole life seem worthless, robbed of its highlights.

With an absent mind I rub my heart necklace between my thumb and fore finger. It's a comforting habit. Sometimes I do it when I'm nervous. My Mum bought this from France when I was eight. I've never filled the locket with a photo. I've taken so many, but there's no memory that out beats the others to put in it.

"Doesn't matter to me anyway." Lilly shrugs, watching the wall, bringing back to earth. I think.
"I never new my dad, my mum kind of lost it, like I said before - and I never had many friends ."

I'm getting to caught up in my dream. I actually pity this girl. I comb back my hair and curl in a ball on the floor, trying to keep myself warm. Lilly sits on the ground also and leans into me. We're penguins in an icy land. We don't know where we are, and we don't know where were going, but we'll follow hope while attempting to keep warm.

Lilly snorts. "Look at you, with your army green jeans and blue top. I'll bet your a lot warmer then I am right now."   I am warmer, Lilly's shaking more then me. I'm glad for the clothes I've been given, I'm not girly enough to willingly put on a dress. I wonder what the  reasonable explanation is for giving this girl a dress when it's only just the end of winter? At least I think it is, who knows how long we've been in here. The invention of clocks and watches obviously didn't reach this place. I open my mouth to ask Lilly if she has any ides, but something raps on the door making us both jump. A shadow drinks the barred window.

"Get in the cage . . . slowly."

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