"Here you go,Unicorn" I said giving her hay and some water.Unicorn is my spotted Pinto.
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This was taken last winter.
I petted her face and wiped away the sweat on my forehead.I walked out of the barn closing it behind me.
I heard my phone beep and vibrate in my Jean pocket and I quickly took out.
It was a text from Colby...
A blush crept on my cheeks and butterflies started going crazy in my stomach like they were on drugs... ____________________________ <HEY JENNA WYUT?😊>
<Feeding my horsi🙃> <Adorable>
<Wt,me or the hors😶>
<Idk,both😅What kind is she???🏇> <She s a spotted Pinto>
I was getting ready for bed when I heard another beep from the bedside table. _____________________________ <Hi,Jen.I know it's late but can I quickly ask smthng??>
<Go ahead,Brock>
<Do you wanna like go to Starbucks Tomorrow...not like... a Date or anything but yeah🙄😶>
<Sure,pick me up at 3?>
That whole night I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of Colby.His awkward but cute smile,his shiny blue eyes...
I can't sleep so might as well watch some YouTube.
After watching a million DIY videos,I scrolled down to find another video but I clicked on a Sam and Colby video...Don't judge me!!!
And another one...
AND another one... 《》《》《》《》《》《》《》《》
My alarm clock scared me while I was watching an OmarGosh haunted house video.
Damn alarm clock...
I put off the video and looked at my digital clock:7:31
"Ugh...I am not a morning person" I muttered under my breath sitting up.
I couldn't stop smiling,8 hours then I'm going on a da-....Then I'm going to hang out with Colby.
I stood up going to the bathroom and taking a quick shower and putting on a cute outfit...
Then I had some breakfast and sat infront of the TV watching Teen Wolf.It is the best show ever!I'm just in love with that Liam kid...
I finished watching Teen wolf and started with F.R.I.E.N.D.S but the doorbell cut me off...
I walked over to the door unlocking it and opening it...my heart stopped seeing the brunette weirdo with a cute smile on his face and instantly I melt.
"Hi,Brock" I greeted at him with a shy smile.
"Hey,Jen...Ugh...Ready to go" He said hesitantly. He seemed nervous?But why,it's Colby...
"Here you go" Colby said giving me the cup that had "Jena" on,god I hate it when they spell it like that!
"Thanks" I said putting it down and he took a seat infpront of me.
"So,Jenna" He said breaking the awkward silence "How long have you had...uh...Unicorn?"He asked and I took a sip of my nice cold drink.
"About 6 years...since she was a foal" I said proudly "We've won almost 29 ribbons and 4 trophies" I bragged.
"And all I have is a YouTube Channel and a dead vine account" He joked and I giggled like a 5 year old drinking coffee for the first time...
"That's not true" I said smiling and blushing at him.
"Well what else do I have compared to that" He asked and I could think of thousands.
"Smart,talented,funny smart,handsome-" Before I could go on he cut in.
"Wait you think I'm...handsome??" He asked with a smug smirk.
"You didnt let me finish" I said rolling my eyes "You have handsome...friends" I said covering up.
"Yeah Sure" He said sarcastically and I couldn't help but blush.That smug smile just made me feel happy,more then I ever was...
"Thanks for today,it was fun" I said stopping at my doorway and turning around to Colby.
"Well hopefully this happens again" He says awkwardly putting his hands in his pockets "Even as a...date" He stated hopefull.
Okay,act cool Jenna don't screw up!!
"Yeah...see ya later,Brock" I said smiling and opening my door closing it behind me...