4.5 million views on her last video with 400,000 likes and 3000 dislikes...
Jenna is a youtuber on YouTube and has been on there for 3 years.
Her channels name is StarstrikeJ
She has made videos with Pewdiepie,Markiplier, JackSepticye,David dobrik, Liza Koshy and Joey Graceffa. But never with Sam and Colby and that's her next goal.
She sent an email 10 minutes ago and craved Starbucks. She knew they wouldn't answer straight away.
She got in her white tesla (yes like David dobrik's) and drove to Starbucks.
She entered the door smelling sweet coffe She walked up to the counter and a nice teen girl walked to her "How can I help you,Jenna?" She asks happily.Shes a really big fan.
"Hi,I would like a choclate frappechino" She said and smiled at her fan.
"Coming right up umm also while their busy can I take a photo with you?" She asked hopefull.
"Anything for my fans" Jenna answered and the girl smiled brightly walking out from the counter and taking out her phone.
Jenna smiled at the camera as she pushed her body up against hers.
After she took the photo,she went back behind the counter and took the cup with the name "Jenna" on from another girl.
She thanked her and turned around to leave but bumped straight into a hard chest.Thankfully my drink didn't spill.
"I am so sorry" A familiar voice said.It was Colby Brock and behind him stood an awkward Sam.
"No its my fault...." I shook my head smiling at the cute boy.
"Your Jenna right?" He asked.She has always been a fan about deep voices.
"Yip that's me" Jenna said awkwardly.
"Well,we got your email and while we're here,maybe you we could plan a video colab" Colby said shy.He really thought she was pretty and he loves her videos.
"Sure,I'll wait at that table" She said pointing at the clean table at the corner of the store.
Colby and Sam nodded walking to the counter to order and she walked over to the table setting down her drink and purse.
Later Sam and Colby cane back with their drinks which looked very delicious.
"So,I heard there was this Abandoned Haunted water park not to far from here" Sam suggested and Colby nodded along.
"That sounds super frightening.I love it" She agreed with them.
And the end of the conversation,they decided it _____________________
Next week Friday _____________________
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