I was awake for about ten minutes now and I was lying in my bed and going through my instagram.I love seeing all my fans posting stuff and opinions of my videos...
I scrolled down again and awkwardness filled me.It was a badly photo edited picture of me and Colby with a caption...
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♡ 1255
------------------------------------------ @ColbysBrideAF These two are the cutest couple eva altough they aren't dating...or are they????Yesterday me and my friend saw them at Starbucks...ALONE!!!😱😱😍😍😍😍
>Show all 257 comments _______________________________________
I sighed and commented back: __________________________________ I'm sorry to say @ColbysBrideAF but unfortunately we are not but just friends🤗 Fantastic edit btw❤❤❤ __________________________________
I set my phone down and got out of bed then I got dressed and decided to catch up with F.R.I.E.N.D.S then make another DareJen video...
It is now 21:57 and I have been talking with Colby on the phone all day making Jokes about the new SHIP "JOLBY"
<I can't believe people actually think we're dating😄😂 We should use that for CLICKBAIT>
<How about...Monday. You'll meet the house and then we'll also do A Instagram Q/A>
<Sounds perfect😉Ltr> <Bye😊🙃🙈>
I got out of my car and knocked on the front door.Ot took a few seconds but Sammy Boy answered the door with a smile.
"Hi,Sam" I said giving him hug.
"Good to see you again" He said stepping aside and I walked inside.
I put my jacket down and walked in the living room that had another sliding glass door...
I could see other people swimming and playing with...plastic balls used in ball pits...okaaay that's not weird at all.
"Hey,Jen" A sexy deep voice said behind me and I got chills.Colby...
I turned around and greeted him "Hey,Brock" I said and gave him a hug.
"Lets do the Q/A first then the vlog but I'll edit the Q/A last" He suggested and I nodded.
"Sounds cool" I said and followed him to his room.
He set up the camera and told me to sit on the bed.
"Should we start with the thumbnail?" I asked looking up at him from the bed,his eyes catching mine.
"Sure but let's make it as cutesy as possible so they will believe it" He said sitting really close to me and breath got stuck in my throat...
I looked at the recording camera and grabbed his hand holding it up to the camera then I put my head on his shoulder.
I smiled and the we let go and started with the video.
"Hi guys welcome to today's Q/A with the lovely" My heart stopped when he said that word "Jenna Stars AKA StarstrikeJ" He continued
"Okay,we're down to last 3 questions...So this one is from @ColbysBrideAF" He said and I instantly thought of the bad edit "She asks:Jenna if Colby would ask you to be his girlfriend right now what would you say" Then he started laughing and awkwardly look at me "Yeah,what would you say??" I turned to him and those icy blue orbs stared into my soul!
"Ummm" I said and grabbed the phone from his hands "Next question" I said scrolling down but he just took the phone back.
"Nooo" He said and instantly my heart begins to race and sweat starts dripping off my forehead.
"Well it depends" I said and he had a small shy smile and looked down at the phone.
"Okay so @SamisKingYASSS asks:Are you two dating?Winky face,thumbs up!" He said jokingly and I nodded.
"Pretty much yes" Then we both laugh "No we're" I started looking at the brunette and smiling "Really good friends" He looked back at with the same smile...
"Pretty much yes" She said and we both laugh then I look into the camera nodding "No we're just" She stops for a second and I feel eyes on me "Really good friends" Then I look at her and smile.Wow she's really beautiful.
Then after a second it got akward so I looked back at the phone "@ColbyAndSamAreMarried says I know it's your personal channel but can you put Sam in here?" I state what's on the phone and shake my head.
"SAM!!!" I yelled to him and after a minute he came running in and I explained what she asked.
He quickly popped up in the video and went back down stairs
"Okay there's your daily dosage of Sam Golbach!Now on to the last question" The I look into her perfect chestnut eyes "Do you wanna read the last question?" I asked her and she nodded so I gave her my phone and she read it but I couldn't help but stare.
"@JennaAndColbyOTP says Colby when are you getting a pet it'll get great views" She asked laughing at the end.