I suddenly felt frozen cold water on my face and I sit up and when I looked next to me I saw Sam laughing with a empty glass and a camera in his hands.
"Now that's how you start vlog!!!" He said and dabbed.
I rolled my eyes and stood up.
Since I woke till now 16:46 I couldn't stop thinking about Jenna.I keep seeing her perfect smile and sparkly brown eyes.
"Hello! Is anyone there??" Sam said waving his hands in front of my face...
"Sorry I was ...daydreaming" I said and continued eating my pizza while Sam was eating his cinnabun.
"About what?" He said and I looked at him without answering "Im sorry...about who" Sam said winking at me.
"Im not telling you" I said and went back to eating.
"It's Jenna isn't it?" He said and when I ignored him he gasped "It is Jenna" He said Happy.
"It doesn't matter,she obviously doesn't like me in the same way,Sam" I said and took a pepperoni off the pizza stuffing it in my mouth.
"Dude C'mon...Ofcourse she does.Just ask her out I'd she says no that's her loss but you won't know until you try" He said and I nod.
"Yeah your right,Sam.Thanks" I thanked him.
JENNA'S POV '''''''''''''''''''' I was reading my book when my phone started blasting my ring tone and I quickly set down my book and I saw "Brock" on my phone so I quickly pushed the green button.
"Hey,Brock Obama.Whats up?" I said and when he talked he sounded super nervous and hopefull.
"Hi,Jen.Im sorry to disturb but I have a really important question" He said and I sat up right...
"G-go ahead" I said starting to chew my nails.
"Uh...I...umm...I was wondering if you can go to the movies with me on Friday...as...a...a.....date?" He ask hesitantly and super nervous.
"A...what?" I asked my breathing increasing and I felt my heart start pounding.
"You-don't have to,it's-" I cut him off before I could continue.
"Yeah...I'd love to go to the movies with you...Colby" I said getting excited and jumping around my room.
"Great...see ya Friday,Jen" He said with happiness in his voice.
Then we hung up.I screamed in excitement and jumped around on my bed...Oops---uhhh I might need a new bed
I ate poridge in my favourite pjs then took a nice long bath.
I grabbed my keys and jacket then headed to my car driving to Starbucks and getting my usual and a unicorn frappechino.
I got back in my car and drove to my friends house and we drank our Starbucks and talked.Both of us had alot of things going on.
I woke up,ate,bathed,dressed in a cute outfit
I didn't do my make up yet because it was too early
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