Chapter Ten: Crowley and Kevin

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When we land back in the Doctors room, I sprint out of the TARDIS and ,being me, I trip and fall.

"What could you have possibly tripped on!? There is nothing on the floor! Not even a carpet!" The Doctor says.

~~in the veil~~~~~

"Oops..." Kevin whispers

"Watch it! That's my girlfriend!" Rainy yells.

"Not anymore! You're dead remember?" Wolfgang says.

~~~real world~~~~~~

"It was probably just my own clumsiness, Doctor. Don't worry about it." I stand up and brush the dust from my hands.

"Well don't do it again." He twirls around still looking for the thing I tripped over. I walk downstairs and see V sitting on the couch drinking tea- something she learned from Tom- Sam with his nose in some dusty book, and dean eating pie.

"It really is surprising to see the best hunters in the world and my best friend sitting inside a salt circle..." I say quietly. The Doctor just stands slightly behind me, silent. I see the blue vase shattered on the floor and I go over to inspect it.

"It hit so hard that pieces are stuck in the wall..." I mumble, and the Doctor just nods. "V, what happened again??"

"The vase flew at the wall. I told you already." She says.

"I thought I heard mumbling but that would have been one of them so I dismissed it then the vase...well you know." Sam said not looking up from his book.

"Quite typical that no one saw anything weird." The Doctor said as he stepped inside the circle of salt.

Dean took a bite of his pie. " Well none of us were looking for it exactly."

Something changed in the room. You could feel it in the air, there was a sudden uncomfortableness. The Winchesters stood, forming a barrier in front of the others.

"Who is it!?" K said to the thing which she couldn't see.

"You don't know me." A young guys voice said from nowhere. " but the Winchesters do."

"Kevin..." Dean said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not alone, There's two others with me, they know Krystal and V." Kevin's voice said.

"Rainy and Wolfgang.." K and v said.

"Yeah but they're too weak to talk to you. Oh and Sorry about tripping you earlier."

"Knew it!" The Doctor said.

"First the bunker, now this kevin? Really?" Sam says, stepping towards where the voice is coming from.

"Yeah well, I told you I was going to haunt you. Rainy says sorry about the vase."

"That means Heavens still shut down."Dean says.

"Yeah. There's thousands of us roaming around in the veil. You still haven't fixed it."

"I'm workin on it!" Dean sounded impatient.

"Look, we've tried to stay quite, but then pretty boy over here decided to get mad and throw a vase across the room. It called other spirits, they're all over this town just waiting to wreak havoc. You have to open heaven."

"Metatron has everything shut down. Angels are fighting over who takes the big guys place, demons are fighting over who gets to rule hell. Everything's a mess, it'll take a while Kevin." K says.

"I don't care. Just get it done so I don't have to deal with this blonde boy prep anymore." Kevin's voice muddled out after that. The room became a little lighter, the air less heavy.

"Winchesters, always making a mess for themselves." A british man said from the corner. "Hello boys."

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