Chapter Fourteen: My Real Home.

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~~Krystal's POV~

I look around. There's nothing but trees, dirt and small animals. No Ben, No Crowley, No house, No holding cell.

What happened?

"Krystal isn't going to show up anytime soon! Why don't we just take the TARDIS and locate her!" Sherlocks voice says for somewhere.

"When Crowley took her, the TARDIS couldn't lock on to her coordinates. If she's gone, how will we find her now?" the doctor says.

the voices fade anyway to whispers. what is going on!?

"DOCTOR!!" I yell into the emptiness of the forest. "DOCTOR I NEED YOU!"

The only response is the wind rustling the leaves. I breath out, and it's white. like steam. but it's not cold...I look at the sky and see snowflakes falling from a single cloud, that's floating about 6 feet in the air.

I walk forward, and the cloud follows. that's just wonderful, apparently I'm a cartoon character now. The little cloud floats above me as I start walking. Any direction I walk, I'm bound to hit a road at some point right? little snow flakes land in my hair, and each time they do, it changes that spots color. I watch one float down and land on pink, which then turns brown. I raise my eyebrows, nothing about this makes sense.
I walk for what seems like hours, my hair is light brown now, and it has blonde my normal hair. what I was born with. suddenly, the cloud starts pouring rain. I'm instantly soaked, then I'm dry. Like it never even happened. I look down, and my clothes are completely different...instead of my pink jacket and ripped jeans, I'm now wearing a blue flowing dress, that flutters gently in the wind. I look left, and there, low and behold, is a road. I step out of the trees and my mother is standing on the other side.
"oh Krystal..." she covers her mouth, just like a mother would when she sees her daughter get married. she wraps her arms around me and we aren't on the ground anymore. I mean, we're standing on something, but it doesn't feel solid. I pull away from my mother.
"Mom, w-what's going on? why did that cloud change my hair? and my clothes? what's happening?"
"Krystal, dear, it's a long story, but it's one worth telling."

"Every God and Goddess, demi or full, gets their full powers soon after their 18th birthday. When they receive them, an object representing their power changes them, prepares them for what's about to happen. Sometimes it's an element, like fire, and sometimes it's a animal. After their powers have been given, the Godly parent is contacted, and is allowed to see their child." she stops and looks at me.
"that's why you never came? you didn't come to one of my birthdays...when I was little I thought you didn't care about me..."
"oh Krystal, of course I care about you. I love you, you're my daughter. Of course I care."
"...what's my power? like...exactly?"
"what guided you?"
"a snowed on me.. and rained.."
"you're a water Goddess. you can control it, as well as other objects. You can talk to sea-life, and hear when other people say your name, you can even teleport short distances. Water is a very strong are the first to have this power in a very long time."
" last question... How do I get home?"
"You are home dear." she looks at me confused.
"No..I mean my real home."

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