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Aries: made sand-angels in the sand with Quake

Taurus: had an intense stare contest but suddenly Kaizo threw sand in your eyes cause he wanted to win

Gemini: play around in the ocean with Thorn

Cancer: screamed cause you found a crab

Leo: told Solar to hand you a lotion but that idiot forgot so you got sunburnt

Virgo: Cyclone tripped you and you got a mouthful sand

Libra: got bird poop on your food and threw it in the trash cause you feel disgust

Scorpio: threw sands at everyone

Sagittarius: collected shells with Blaze and Ice

Capricorn: had built the best sand castle but Blaze walk over it and destroy it

Aquarius: dragged Solar's phone and threw it to the sea cause he was ignoring you

Pisces: buried Fang's head deep under the sand


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