[M. Osamu] Meeting Up

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AU where Osamu's a writer and reader's a fan of him.


You squealed loudly as you read the ending of a book, finishing it altogether.

It was 8 PM at that time, and you were reading a book written by M. Osamu. This book was the third series of his book that you've bought, and his style of writing had you fallen in love; at the same time intrigued with the writer himself.

The curiosity itself started two months ago, when you've just finished his first book. The book itself was published a year ago, but you bought it just recently; around two months and a half ago, to be specific.

Since then, you promised to yourself that you're going to buy all of his books—published or upcoming—no matter what.

Regarding the curiosity, you have searched anywhere possible to pick up some information about him, but you only got little to none of it.

That didn't make your curiosity cease, though; especially when you found out that he has a twitter account and it allowed you to chat with the person himself.

Simply put, you wasted no time downloading said application and make an account in order to follow and interact with him.

It took him more or less half an hour to reply—a short one, too—but you didn't mind, not when you screeched and squealed every time you saw a notification that he replied to your messages.


"'Samu, there's a new message from your Twitter!" Atsumu called out.

"Again?" Osamu sighed, "I'll just get through it la-"

"Woah, this person sure is interested in you, 'Samu!" Atsumu gasped, scrolling through his twin's chat with you.

An irk mark immediately formed on Osamu's forehead as he walked towards Atsumu to take his phone from his evil twin.

He then rubbed his temples before sighing once again, checking whose chat did Atsumu talk about.


"Ah, this girl," Osamu commented nonchalantly, eliciting a gasp from Atsumu; in which he got a glare from the former.

"'Tsumu, before you say anything, no. So, shut up."

After he saw your recent message, Osamu then proceeded to type a reply, with Atsumu pestering him to stalk your profile.

After a while, with Osamu having enough of Atsumu's jeers, he complied to his twin brother's request.

He lazily scrolled through your tweets—which most of them consisted of his books' quotes and how much you love the author, making him blush slightly—then to your medias.

And boy, was he and Atsumu shocked when they saw a picture of you.

"Damn, you got a beautiful girl wrapped around your finger, 'Samu," Atsumu commented, whistling. Osamu gave him silence in reply, but he internally agreed.


The next day, a notification appeared from Osamu's phone when Atsumu was playing with it, making the latter gasp.

"'Samu! There's a message from the girl yesterday!"

"Oh? Tell me what she said, I'm a bit busy here," replied his twin, typing on his laptop.

"Hmm.. Alright.. 'Osamu-san, good evening! I wanted to ask whether you will hold a meet and greet sometimes? I mean, you have a lot of fans.. That's all, sorry for the bother!'"

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