[M. Atsumu] Coffee or Tea?

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After the two of them broke up and went to their own separate ways, never did they look back to the past, as they learned to move on with time passed.

Or at least, that was what one of them did.

Atsumu walked into the café, only to step back in astonishment after witnessing how packed the place was.

He then sighed, deciding to walk away when a waiter called out for him; this waiter had known Atsumu since the first time he stepped his foot on the café floor.

"Hey, Atsumu," he called out, "there's an empty spot you could occupy, but you have to share the table with a lady. Is that okay?"

Miya pondered for a while before nodding.

The waiter smiled slightly and returned the nod with one of his, then led Atsumu to his seat.

As Atsumu looked at the lady across him to greet her for a friendly approach, he thought that fate couldn't be any crueler.

She was his ex-girlfriend from two years ago, (L/n) (F/n).

He gulped, but soon regained his composure as he dragged his seat out for him to sit on it.

"Excuse me," he muttered, earning a hum from her; still oblivious at the fact that she recognized the person who sat across her, as her gaze was focused on the laptop on the table.

Atsumu, too, chose not to interact further, as he played with his phone to distract himself while waiting for his order to be done, even though he missed hearing her voice.

"Here's your usual coffee, Atsumu," a voice spoke up. Atsumu turned off his phone and smiled at the waiter, hand engulfing the warm cup.

"Thanks, Tobio."

Meanwhile, the conversation between Atsumu and the waiter had successfully broke (F/n)'s attention from the laptop.

She knew that people would have similar usual coffee as hers, but the name Atsumu was certainly not a coincidence.

"Miya Atsumu?"

Said man's eyes widened, his head immediately snapped towards you.

Kageyama Tobio, the part-time waiter, gave out a small smile then walked away to serve others.

"(F/n), long time no see," Atsumu spoke, slowly getting tensed up.

He knew that she had moved on from him; that she no longer thought of him; that she had let him go completely.

And he also knew that he still loved her; and he hasn't moved on—he couldn't.

He still longed for her; her bright eyes when she looked at him; her wide smile when he gave her gifts or surprises; her loud cheers when she won against him in video games; her cute laugh when he told her corny jokes, and the list kept on going.

Simply put, he wanted her back, and desire was multiplied as their distance was this close then.

Atsumu heaved out a long sigh before sipping his coffee. (F/n) took a peek from above her laptop, seeing his eyebrows furrowed together as he gulped his drink down, making her contain her laughter.

"I didn't know that you like coffee now, Atsumu," she commented once her laughter has died down.

Atsumu put down his cup and looked at her, "It reminds me of you, and I see that (fav. coffee) is still your favourite drink."

She hummed in reply, looking at her own coffee before sipping it.

"To be honest, that's a really funny reason, Atsumu."

"How so?"

"It's been two years."

Atsumu sighed once again, "I know."

She put down her cup of coffee, feeling mentally conflicted as she continued with her project.

Time passed; customers started to leave, making the café less rowdy than before. (F/n) had finished her project at that time, and her cup of coffee was already empty, so she packed her belongings—ready to leave anytime soon.

She looked at the clock, then were about to stand up when Atsumu's voice stopped her from doing so. Atsumu himself had been quiet when (F/n) brought their break up into smthe surface.

"You know, you and coffee are very much alike."

Staring at him in amusement, she decided to play along.

"Why?" she asked curiously.

Atsumu shook his head, smiling slightly.

"Both of you make me sleepless at night; both of you made my day complete—even though I dislike the taste of coffee; both of you—no, I love you. Only you, not the coffee."


"I know, it's been two years, but I still can't get over you; I can't move on. I still love you, a lot."

A small, sad smile formed on her lips; she certainly had never seen him so desperate before.

"Then, you're like a cup of tea with lots of sugar," She replied, staring at Atsumu's eyes with her own (eye/colour) ones.

"How so?"

"You're too sweet; to the point where it's too much for my liking."

After muttering a soft 'sorry', she left, leaving Atsumu by himself.

Silence lingered in the air before he himself broke the ice.

"...not even telling me to move on, huh?"

He then chuckled bitterly to himself, leaving his coffee as he walked out of the café.

"Now that I think of it, both you and coffee are bitter, too."

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