[M. Osamu] Soaked pt. 2

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"Osamu, where is your favorite hoodie? You didn't wear it today."

"Obviously," he replied shortly. Some fangirls sure were nosy, he thought to himself.

That day, he wore a different hoodie to school. It was a white hoodie, given by his one and only ex-girlfriend. His fangirls didn't know anything about his past relationship, fortunately, so they might just assume that he had another one.

The hoodie was a little tight, but he didn't seem to mind one bit. In fact, he was loving the extra warmth it provided.


(F/n) brought the hoodie to school, keeping it inside her bag. The weather was chilly day that, so she decided to bring it along with her, even though the hoodie was not hers.

She felt guilty for acting like the hoodie was hers, but she had no other choice since her usual outerwear was yet to dry and she was the type of person that caught a cold easily.

She managed to pass through the first three classes, before she noted that she was cold and took out the hoodie out of her bag, wearing it without a second thought.

"Hey, isn't that Osamu's hoodie?"

She glanced at her right. A girl she never talked with was staring at the hoodie, and then to her.

"Really? I don't know." Unconsciously, she told the girl about what happened the night before. The girl nodded once and a while.

"Well, it's just that he is not wearing his usual hoodie and you happen to have it. Perhaps it was his?"

(F/n) pondered for a while, then realized that it could be him that helped her the night before. She thanked the girl, her heart thumping loudly at the information.

During recess time, she went to the canteen to please her growling stomach. After all was done, she took of the hoodie and folded it nicely, then quickly ran out of the building towards the school garden.

It's Osamu's favorite place, after all.

She paused in her tracks and gulped as she saw him sitting under the tree, before taking a stiff step closer to him. Her mind was a mess, she wanted to scream that fated really played her. She felt like backing away, but her feet kept on stepping forward. When she was close enough, Osamu turned his head.

His eyes widened at the sight of his one and only ex-girlfriend, holding his folded hoodie.

"(F/- Y-You?" Osamu refrained himself from calling out her name. It was her last wish before they completely broke up, after all.

(F/n), too, was shocked at the fact that he was wearing the hoodie she gave him- the one that he said had been burned to ashes.

"Here's your hoodie," she said softly, stretching her arm out.

"Keep it," he replied, eyes never once look up.

"I saw you wearing it in the canteen, so keep it."

"What does it have to do with me wearing it?"

This time, Osamu looked up, mustering the best smile he could give to his ex-girlfriend.

"Because you look cute in it."


a fast, crappy update. sorry for that.

for an extra information, osamu is her upperclassman.

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