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I let the steaming water pour over my strained shoulders, the burn of the heated liquid beaded off of my skin, sure to leave red streaks, but I didn't mind.

Being a counselor/therapist isn't as easy as people make it out to be. I'm usually assigned to a person dealing with issues such as post-dramatic stress, anxiety, anger issues, eating disorders, family problems, or self-harm, and I visit them three to five times a week and they talk to me about their problem. Usually speaking to someone helps to find the source of the problem, and work through it until the problem no longer exists.

It was fairly descent pay, but the thought of being able to help people cope through whatever they're dealing with, that makes me happy.

I had stepped out of the shower and dried off when my phone began buzzing from sitting atop the sink. I quickly swiped my finger across the screen and pressed it against my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, forgetting to read the caller ID that flashed across before I answered.

"Lennon?" My friend Nina's voice spoke through the tiny speaker.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked her. Nina was my best friend, and she was also a counselor, she worked for the same company I did, Pulsare Therapy and Counseling.

I think that's one of the many reasons we get along so well, we both enjoy helping others.

"Margot called me and said that she has a client that she has assigned specifically for you."

I rolled my eyes. Margot was my boss, a prim and proper snob who had sympathy for no one. She was very strict, and allowed no funny-business during working hours.

"Who?" I asked, picking at my nails. I couldn't help but feel slightly nervous for a new patient. I always get slightly tongue tied when I first meet them, I think everyone gets a bit embarrassed, really.

"I don't know, you will have to call her and ask." She replied blankly, and I scoffed.

"Why didn't the bitch just call me herself?" I barked over the phone to Nina, even though I wasn't mad at her whatsoever.

"I have no clue, I think she said she had just forgotten and while she was on the phone with me she decided to tell me." She sighed and I imagined Margot's pin-straight blond locks that were always cut short, to about where her chin ended. Her piercing blue eyes can be all the bit intimidating, but I've gotten used to them.

"Alright, thanks. I'll give her a call." I sighed, succumbing to Margot's whims. She was probably going to assign me to an easier client, since my last client was a 16 year old girl named Lisa with depression and post-traumatic stress after she had been sexually assaulted by her father when she was 7. She had commuted suicide about a month ago after the pain and horrible nightmares became too much. It was a shame, she was such a sweet girl.

Sometimes I felt as if it was my fault, as if I could have stopped her. But she told me countless times that she would take her own life soon, wether I were to help her or not.

I decided to call Margot to get this over with quickly, it's now or later.

"Margot Winston speaking." She answered cooly. I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me.

"Hello Margot, it's Lennon. Nina told me you had needed me?"

"Ah yes!" She beamed. "I am assigning you to a new client, but he's a bit of a-"

She paused.

"how do I put this delicately?" She mumbled but loud enough for me to hear.

"Challenge." She finished, and my eyes narrowed.

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