Chapter 13

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Waking up next to Scott was breath-taking. I could get used to the view. I vaguely remembered my fit of rage and desperation last night with the Chardonnay, and looked over to the table to see it almost empty. Scott had some last night. A blush rose to my face once I remembered what we did. Scott pulled me closer and I snuggled into his chest. Light from the window rested on his face and he looked like an angel.

"Why are you staring at me?" 

"I'm admiring your beauty." At this he scoffed and opened his eyes. "No one can compare to your beauty." He gave me a grin that hid secrets behind it. "Oh shut up!" I playfully punched his chest and he got up. He threw the blankets off of him and I discretely enjoyed the rear view. I got up too and pulled bra and panties on. I put my hair in a very messy ponytail and put on a sweater and sweatpants. Arms encircled my waist and I relaxed into his warm chest. 

"I feel so much better." "I bet you do. I would never imagine you feeling down after that." He chuckled and released my waist. "We better get out there, before they suspect anything."

"They already know I bet." 

"You weren't that loud."

Redness flooded my cheeks. "We don't have to talk about that." He laughed at me and threw his clothes from last night on. I opened the door while he was still changing, and left the room to go to the kitchen. 

"Feeling better?" Mitch's voice sounded behind me. "Uh, yeah. Sorry about that..." I grabbed some cereal and milk. We sat in silence, him looking at his phone. "He loves you, you know." I nodded. "I know." Mitch chuckled and rubbed my back. "He told me about you. We were fliming Superfruit," He drank some of his orange juice and continued, "he confessed he really liked you but didn't want to jeopardize your relationship. That shows you how much he really cares about you. We're leaving in 3 weeks. You'll be gone in six weeks. He doesn't want to leave you alone. He trusts you, but he doesn't want to make you feel alone." 

"He made it out to be that he didn't trust me. I didn't know what to do... he was the first person I saw from Pentatonix for real. He was acting like a true gentleman." I remembered that day really well. "It's in his nature." He scrolled down his phone and ignored me until I finished my cereal. I was grateful for the silence. Arms wrapped around my midsection when I was washing my bowl. "You look like you're thinking too much. Let's go do something to get your mind off whatever it is." He kissed my cheek and lead me to my room. "Want to go to the beach?" He suggested. I nodded and grabbed a towel and went to find my swimsuit. I found it in my closet, neatly tucked away in my underwear drawer. I looked at Scott expectantly when I turned around. He was too busy adjusting his swim trunks to notice. I quickly slipped my clothes off and replaced it with a neon bikini. I caught Scott sneaking glances, which he chuckled at when he saw I noticed. I grabbed my towel from off the bed and looked for Scott's MP3. It was thrown against Scott's bed, which was unmade. There was a crack in the silver casing, but Scott didn't seem to care. "All the songs are backed up on my computer." He told me. He lead me out the door while calling, "We're going to the beach!" Mitched yelled back a reply that I didn't hear completely.


We rolled up to the beach. Only a few people were here. Most were young couples skipping their classes. Scott grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the beach. We broke out into a run, chucking our blankets down as we ran towards the water. Once we came closer, a girl who was kissing who I assumed was her boyfriend suddenly squealed and pushed her boyfriend away. She tackled Scott out of my hand and started to plant kisses on his face. "Brittney! Stop that!" The boy yelled, and Scott was trying to push her off. I grabbed her arm and swung her off of him. Her crazed look was gone, and she meekly tucked a strand of pink colored hair behind her ear. "I am so sorry about that! I don't know what made me do that..." The hungry look she gave Scott told me otherwise. I opened my mouth to snap at her, but Scott whispered in my ear, "Let it go. Let's go into the water." Her eyes narrowed in jealousy. "Josh, can you get our towels out of the car?" She gave me a mocking glance. I pulled Scott away towards the water. I felt her burning gaze on my back. "Crazed fans." He mumbled. The cold water hit our toes and Scott hissed. "That's freezing!" I groaned and pulled him in further. "You know what, maybe we should just sit on our towels."

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