Admitting the truth

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Liam’s POV

“Oh yeah. What about you and Niall?” Louis asks, raising an eyebrow and looking at me.

What? He can’t know what just happened. He wasn’t out there. He was in here. Right? I shake my head and look at him.

“What are you getting at Louis?” I ask.

“I think you know what I’m talking about Liam?” Louis ask, wiggling his eyebrows.

I glance at Niall and see his face is red again. He buries his head in my side, shaking it slightly.

“What ARE you talking about Lou. Please elaborate.” I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Oh come off it mate. Like we don’t notice. It isn’t just Hazza and Louis who fancy each other. Even I notice! The way Niall always goes to you or hides behind you. The way you always have your arms around him. You can’t just be best friends and not have feelings for eachother.” Zayn says, throwing his hands up and looking between Niall and I.

“How do you know how we feel Zayn?! You can’t read our minds! Just because Louis and Harry like each other doesn’t mean Liam and I fancy each other.” Niall yells, tears in his eyes as he storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

“Told you.” Louis says, leaning back in the chair.

“Good way of bringing it up Lou.” I say, standing up and shake my head while walking out of the room.

I grab Niall’s arm and turn him around, “Niall hey calm down buddy.” I say trying to get him to look at me. He wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my shirt, tears streaming down his face. I wrap an arm around his torso and run my hand through his hair gently.

“I told you.” Louis says, walking out of the room and to the elevator, Harry following behind. He shoots Niall a sad glance and then looks back at Louis. “I’m going to Nandos if you care to join.”

“I’m coming, too!” Zayn yells, running down to Louis and Harry.

“I’ll come.” Niall says, pulling away from my chest and rubbing his hands over his tear stained cheeks.

“We’ll catch up to you in a second.” I say, knowing Niall won’t want to be in the car with Louis or Zayn.

Louis nods and looks back at the hotel room before getting in the elevator with Zayn and Harry.

“Come on inside Nialler.” I say, holding the door open for him as he wipes his eyes again.

He sighs and walks inside, sitting on the couch and hugging his knees.

“C’mon talk to me Niall. Please?” I ask sitting next to him and frowning.

He shakes his head and frowns.

“Please?” I ask again, nudging him with my elbow.

He sighs and glances at me, “What do you want me to say Liam?”

“Why you got so upset.” I turn him on the couch to face me and look into those usually bright blue eyes. More tears are welling in his eyes and by the way he’s biting his lip I can tell he’s trying to keep calm. What’s upsetting him so much?

“I.. don’t know.” He says quietly, and looks at the floor.

“Yes you do Niall. If you didn’t know you wouldn’t of gotten so upset.” I tilt his chin back up and get him to look at me. “You know you can tell me anything. If it’s a secret I won’t tell any of the other boys you know that.”

He gulps nervously and looks around, “Liam.. I.. I think Louis... I think he was right.”

I can barely hear him, he’s talking so quiet. “Right about what mate?”

“I think I may... Like you.. But more friend.” His eyes dart back down to the floor quickly and he bites his lip again. Did he just say he liked me? I can feel butterflies in my stomach as I try to process what he said.

“You... Like me?” I ask quietly.

He nods and puts his feet on the ground, nervously messing with his hands.

“Niall, I-” I start to say, but he’s already up and running toward the door, throwing it open and running out.

“Niall!” I yell, jumping up and running after him. When I get into the hall, the elevator is already closing behind him. Running for the stairs I pull out my phone and dial Harry’s number.

“Hello?” He answers on the second ring.

“Harry! Hey if Niall goes in to Nando’s keep him there please please. He ran out of the hotel room and I don’t know where he’s going. Just, if he shows up there keep him there.” I say quickly while running down the stairs.

“Yeah sure mate. But I doubt he’s coming here.” Harry says. I can hear him getting up from his chair in the background.

“I know. Thanks, Haz.” I reply before hanging up and hitting the last step.

I look around, but don’t see Niall anywhere. My eyes search the lobby and I still don’t see him. He seriously couldn’t of gotten far. I walk out into the middle of the room and keep looking. It can’t be that hard to miss a blonde kid. Sighing, I walk outside and start walking around the block. Where in the hell did he go? It won’t do much good to call him, seeing as he left his phone in the hotel room. Why am I worrying so much? Niall’s eighteen, he can take care of himself... It’s not like anything bad is gonna happen to him. Because I care about him. The thought stops me in my tracks. Of course I care about him. He’s my best friend and I’d never let anything happen to him ever. I said I’d always protect him. That doesn’t sound like a best friend.. That sounds like a....relationship. It hits like a ton of bricks, I like Niall. I like Niall, my best friend, my band mate. The blonde, blue eyed, emotional, perfect... leprechaun.

“Niall Horan, when I find you...,” I mumble and continue walking around. The first place I check is Nando’s, the main place he would go. When I walk inside, I walk up to Harry silently and look at him. He shakes his head and frowns.

“What?” Zayn asks, looking between us.

“Nothing.. Uhm, I guess I’ll talk to you guys later yeah?” I say quickly before walking back out and to the next place. Which, unfortunately is the bar. I take a deep breath and walk in, searching around quietly. Apart of me wishes he isn’t here, but the other part desperately wants him to be here so I know he’s okay. I walk around for a minute looking for that blonde hair but so far have no luck what so ever. After a few minutes I walk back out and rub my face. I don’t know where else he could be.


It’s been four hours and I still have no idea where he is. I walk back into my hotel room and sigh, slumping down on the couch. Nandos, bar, store, mall, beach, where else could he be? He doesn’t have his phone which worries me more.

I get up and walk into my room, then take off my shoes. I look at my bed for the first time and see Niall curled up under the covers, clutching the bear I had won him a while back. I can’t believe he still has it. He looks smaller when he’s asleep, all curled up like he is. I get in beside him and wrap my arms tightly around him. His breathing is uneven meaning he’s restless, probably having a bad dream. I rest my head on his and glance down at him, “I like you too Nialler.” I say quietly. And it’s true.

~~~ A/N: Hey everybody, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. I'll try and update sometime this weekend. BUT YAY Liam finally admitted it. WOOO. Okay anyways PS you guys should go check out Sammiskittlez One Directions fanfictions. ~~~

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