You Stole My Heart

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~~~~~~ Hey everyone! This is my first published fan ficton on WattPad. This is a Niam/Larry story ~~~~~~

“Liam plleeaasseee.” Harry begs attaching himself to my leg and looking up at me. He is using 'the look', the look that made everyone buckle, give in, but not me. I know him too well.

“No.” I say for the millionth time, staring down at him.

Niall jumps from the couch and hangs onto my back, “Liiaaamm!” Now, Niall is a little harder to ignore. He can give anyone the saddest eyes and convince you his puppy died.

I grunt and cross my arms over my chest, “I already said no!”

“Liam don't be such a party pooper.” Harry says wrapping his whole body around my leg.

“Well someone has to be the sensible one in the group.” I say glaring down at him.

“Please Liam?” Niall asks leaning his chin on my shoulder and looking at me, his blue eyes sparkling. His features slump into my back as he stares at me intently.

I groan and rub my temples, I know I was about to give in. For the past two days Niall and Harry have been excited about a party in town, I can’t blame them being bundled up in a hotel wasn't exactly fun. But we were told not to make a scene of ourselves, and if you've ever seen Harry at a party, a scene would definitely be made. Louis and Zayn can control themselves at-least, but Harry would no doubt meet some girl and try to steal her away. While Niall would more than likely go straight for the alcohol. And the LAST party we went to I had to literally haul Niall out.

“Last time you guys went...” I began but Niall puts his hand over my mouth.

“Go with us Liam! And you can stay with me the whole time that way I don't get in trouble.”

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I grunt and sigh. “Fine fine. But if ANY of you get in trouble at all we're leaving.” I say looking at each of them. Starting with Louis, to Zayn, glancing at Niall and then full blown staring at Harry who is still wrapped tightly around my leg.

“Whoop!” Niall hollers jumping off my back and bouncing with excitement.

Harry un wraps himself from me and fist pumps, “Yeah partttyy!”

I am probably going to regret letting them go, but getting another puppy look from Niall was not a good choice either.

Zayn looks up from his phone and grins, “Liam you're such a worry wart. It'll all be fine.”

Louis bites his lip trying not to laugh and shakes his head.

“Yeah. Totally everything is gonna be JUST fine.” I say, rolling my eyes.

Niall wraps his arms tightly around me, he’s a good three or four inches shorter than me so it feels like a little kid hugging a parent. “Thank you Liam!” He looks up at me, a full grin on his face.

Damn that little leprechaun. He always knows how to play his cards right, but really he’s  just an innocent little kid. Harry on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He gets on my nerves all the time, always pushing my buttons to see how far he can go. I consider myself to be a reasonable person. I try to keep the boys in line, make sure they keep up with school work, and most importantly keep them out of trouble. They usually come to me if they need help, it was sorta like being the only parent in a family of boys.

I chuckle and pat Niall's hair, “You're welcome little leprechaun.”

His nose wrinkles up and he playfully glares at me, “I'm not little!”

You Stole My Heart ~Niam~Where stories live. Discover now