Leprechauns can sing

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Liam's POV:

About an hour later Harry and I are sitting down, sweating a bit. An hour of non stop dancing really wears a person out.

“See Liam? Funnnn.” Harry says, laughing.

“Okay okay I admit you were right.” I say, chuckling a bit. My eyes immediately go to the blonde boy staggering up on stage.

“I knew it! Hey Liam what are you looking at?” Harry asks following my gaze.

“Oh God...” I put my head on the table and groan.

“Hey hey hey everybody!” Niall slurs holding his arms out, “I’ve got something I wa-wanna sing for someone here tonight. To- to the one and only Liam Payne.”

Oh God... He wouldn’t... I stand up but Harry pulls me back down into my seat, “Let’s listen.”

“No Hazza he’s about to make a fool of himself!” I say, glaring at him.

“That’s why Lou brought a video camera.” Harry grins, wiggling his eyebrows.

“So here’s to my best best frriieennd.” Niall has a wide grin on his face.

He’s obviously wasted, and bat shit crazy.

“I’ve tried playin it cool, but when I’m lookin at you I can’t ever be brave cause you make my heart race.” He slurs again, but even as he does so he still sounds really good. Interesting song choice... “HAZZA I’M SINGING YOUR PART. Shot me out of the sky, you’re my kryptonite you keep makin me weak, yeah frozen and can’t breath.”

Harry burst out laughing, clutching his stomach and leaning in to Louis. “He-he oh my God I can’t breath Lou!”

“Pssst Liam! I love you! Buuuttt shhh don’t tell anyone.” Niall says into the microphone, grinning non stop.

My face turns bright red as I walked up to the stage and easily picked Niall up.

“Did you like the song Liam?” Niall asks laughing and tugging on the back of my shirt.

This is what I mean when I say making a scene. Management’s gonna throw a really big hissy fit. Harry’s on the floor laughing, while Lou falls back out of his chair. Zayn covers his mouth trying not to laugh but it’s not  working.

“Zayn how much did he drink?” I ask approaching the table, Niall still slung over my shoulder.

“I didn’t drink thhhatt much Liammm.” Niall says patting my hair.

“I don’t know.. I left after awhile.” Zayn says

“You left him with the alcohol?!” I nearly yell, sitting down in the chair. Harry finally calms down and sits back down.

“I’m sorry! He promised he’d be fine and be careful!” Zayn frantically tries to explain.

“He was already half drunk.” I say as Niall crawls in my lap and curls up, putting his head on my shoulder.

This only sends Louis into another round of hysterics, “Looks like little leprechaun can’t hold his liquor.”

I look down at Niall curled up on me and sigh, his eyes are fluttering open and closed.

Running my hand up and down his back seems to calm him down, and keep his energy low. Louis drags Harry to the food table, and Zayn goes to dance some more. Niall’s half asleep, his head now on my chest, his knees on my legs. I run my hand through his hair and lean back in the chair.

“You mad at me Liam?” Niall asks, his eyes still closed.

“No Nialler I’m not mad.” I say looking down at his small figure.

“I know you always hide your feelings and try to look calm. But really you could be pissed inside.” Niall mumbles.

“Wanna know how you know I’m not mad?” I ask him as his eyes open. His clear blue eyes meet mine and he nods.

“Because when I’m mad I call you by your name not Nialler or little leprechaun.” I reply quietly and kiss the side of his head.

“Huh... I guess I never noticed that.” He says, tiredly. After Niall drinks he has a hype up period, bouncing off the walls and running around. After about twenty minutes of that he’s ready to crash and sleep it off.

“So no I'm not mad.” I say quietly.

“Why not? You should be dragging me out by my ear.” He says looking up at me again.

“Guess I'm in a good mood.” I reply, chuckling.

“I wanna sleep Liiaamm.” Niall whines in a baby voice.

“Then sleep Nialler.” I say putting my arms around him.

He noda and closes his eyes again leaning in to me. I smile down at him, Niall and I had always been closer to each other than any of the others. Before I knew it, he was snoring lightly, his grip on my shirt loosing. A very tired Harry slumped down in his chair, Louis following behind him and sitting on Harry.

“Loouuu.” Harry complained, shoving weakly at him.

“Haaarrrryyy! C’mon Hazz you can’t be tired already.” Lou whined.

Harry sighed and patted Louis’s back, “I think it’s time to go buddy.” He glances over at Niall in my lap and Zayn passing in and out. Lou pouts and crosses his arms over his chest.

“I think we should head home guys.” I say quietly, standing up, one arm under Niall’s back and the other under his legs. He isn’t that heavy, I guess I got used to carrying him all the time.

Harry and Zayn nod, getting up and pulling Louis along. Niall automatically fixes his position, putting his head on my shoulder. I carry him effortlessly to the car and set him in the back, sliding in beside him and giving Harry the keys. Harry got in the front seat and started the car, driving off. Glancing at the clock I saw it was nearly one.

“Well that was fun.” Zayn says leaning against the car door.

I nod and can’t help but laugh. Louis flails his arms which causes Harry to smack the back of his head, “I’m driving!”

Zayn burst into laughter then quickly glances at Niall. Nothing. God, he is such a heavy sleeper. Harry pulls up to the hotel and hands the key back to the vallet. I carefully pick Niall back up and walk inside the hotel. Harry quickly pushes the elevator button and ushers us all in. We are on the fifth floor, we all have separate rooms but we usually wind up crashing with each other in one room. I take Niall’s key out of his pocket and unlock his door, holding it open I nod to Zayn, Louis, and Harry.

“You guys should get some rest. I’m gonna put him in bed, then head to bed myself.” I say

All three nod and head off to different rooms. Walking around all of his stuff I head toward his bedroom and lay him down on the bed softly. Smiling, I turn to leave and feel a hand grab for my arm.

“Don’t leave Liam.” A soft mumble comes from Niall as he rolls over. I am usually the one to sleep with Niall if he has a nightmare, if he is homesick, or just upset. Niall pats the space beside him and lifts the blanket up. I slide in beside him and glance at him.

“Thanks... I just don’t wanna be alone. My head hurts.” He says curling up.

I bite my lip and wrap my arms around him, “You’re never alone Nialler. You have us and we’d never let you feel alone.”

He turns and buries his face in my neck, pressing himself against me. “I’m really sorry about tonight.” He mumbles

“It’s fine, get some sleep.” I say putting my head on his.  He nods slightly as his breathing slows down. Niall never really moves in his sleep which was a good thing. Unlike Louis who rolls around and moves his arms, makes me feel bad for Harry. Keeping my arms around Niall I close my eyes and try to sleep.

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