Is it you Siddhant...

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Roli was restless...

Geetha: Roli, what happened.. Atleast if you tell me.. I can try to help you...
Roli: Geetha, He is one among these 5...
Geetha: What?

Roli: Yes... And i wish to locate him soon... But i really dont know how can i do that...

Geetha: Roli.. Relax yourself & think.. You may get some result...

Roli nod her head as acceptance...

Roli closed her eyes...

Roli was thinking, now only 5 and i need to locate him...

But how???

Yes... Though he didn't confess me...

There should be some moment between us more than the other 4...
Now i need to think of such moments...

First this guy... No he is very rude guy... Though studious... he is not even friendly...

Second this guy... No he is very silent... He just finish his work and go... He not even attend the sports... Not even came to excursion... So he is not the one...

Third this guy... He is little friendly... He did played in sports... he came to excusion...

Fourth this guy... He is little friendly... He did played in sports... he came to excusion...

Fifth this guy... He is little friendly... He did played in sports... he came to excusion...

Now i got list of 3...

One among them is my love...

Any specific moment with any of them...

First this guy... No i got no interaction even with him... No chance...

Second & Third... yes... there are few interactions between us...

But it was all general as a same class student...

Still any chance to scrutiny his expression while looking at me...

Roli put her full concentration now on the shortlisted 2...

She remembered the moments with them...
Any expression...

Any moments...

After a while...

Roli was thinking, yes... yes... he should be the one...

I can find a smile on him when he look at me...

He should be the one...

Roli opened her eyes...
Geetha: Roli... You found...
Roli: Geetha... It should be Siddhant...

Geetha: What???

Roli: yes... I believe it is Siddhant...

Geetha: But how can you say that...

Roli: We will double confirm it.. Come with me...
Roli took Geetha to the staff room..

They stood in front of the mam again...

Roli: Sorry to disturb madam... Again i got some doubt in that assignemnt paper.. Can we see.. No need for you take strain.. I will look in to it..
Professor: I dont know what happens to you girls... Ok...
Roli rushed towards the shelf...
She took out the file...

Roli turned the pages & first located her assignment, then Geetha's then Siddhant's...

Roli gave sharp look on all the three...
Roli: Geetha look here... can you see same style of drawing in all the 3...
Geetha: you are right...
Roli: To confirm again.. lets confirm with other 4 studious guys...

Roli scrolled the other 4 guess assignments were there was no matching in style of work...

Geetha: You are right Roli...
Roli: Siddhant.. is it you... I cant believe this...

Geetha: Roli...i am also amazed... he is such a nice person...

Roli smiled...

Roli: Lets go...

Roli kept back the file...
She rushed towards her class...

Siddhant was not found in the class...

Roli was thinking, he is not in the class which means he is waiting for me to come with the Rose...
Roli: Geetha, you be here.. I will come.. he will be somewhere here...

Roli rushed from there towards Canteen...

No he was not there...
Then looked here & there...

Finally she saw someone standing near a tree...

Roli rushed towards the tree...

Yes... she was right...

Siddhant was standing holding a rose waiting for her with a smile...

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