2 Kapre's are gone 2

200 16 0

RM: I'm now calling for the detectives

S. Coups: okay

RM: countdown

S. Coups: wait! There's a countdown??

RM: Yup

RM: 10..... 9..... 8....

S. Coups: 7... 6... 5...

Both: 4... 3... 2... 1...


3 boys entered

RM: wow! What a nice entrance /claps/

S. Coups: who are these boys??

RM: this are the VMinKook Brothers

S. Coups: ....??

RM: /rolls eyes/ this is V, Jimin, and Jeongguk

S. Coups: oh~~~

VMinKook: why did you call us?? (Creepy voice)

RM: we lost something

RM: we lost 2 horses would you mind finding them??

VMinKook: for how many hours have past?? (Still in creepy voice)

RM: 3 minutes ago

VMinKook: /shock look/ Oh My Geegee you just lost them for 3 minutes!!! Look for them by yourself you Lazy ass (upset voice)


VMinKook: asssssssssseeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss (still in upset voice

RM: but your here for 50, 000 yuan's

V: I think we should take it

Jimin: yeah I agree

Jeongguk: ehem ehem.. Yeah I think we all want it. . then let's duet

Vmin: (smack Jeongguk using there fist) do it not duet.. We're here to investigate not to sing..

VMinKook: okay 50, 000 yuan's is settled

V starts going to 17's room to investigate

MinKook: went to BTS's room to investigate

Jeongguk: why do I always get Jimin as my investigating partner??

Jimin: do you hate me?? /teary eyed/

V: why do you hate him??

Seventeen's Room

/slams the door.. And it flies until the end of the world/

Jimin: hey stop imagining focus!!

V: okay

Starts entering the 17's room

V: where is the horse's room??

Hoshi: there /pointing at the end of the hallway/

V went inside the room

V: are you sure this is a horse's room??

Hoshi: yup

V: okay..

V: no evidence found


AN: the investigation is still not over

I'm yours and Your mine

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