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.MINGYU and YOU talking...

Mingyu: Heyy!! Y/N you know what?
Y/N: what?!
Mingyu: I have something important to tell you
Y/N: what is it?? /being a curious person/
Mingyu: It's really really really important
Y/N: Then what . be straight Mingyu!!
Mingyu: There's a goat who likes you very very very much...
Y/N: /slaps/ I thought it's important
Mingyu: wait just hear me out!!!

Mingyu: my gosh
Wonwoo: Mingyu who?
Mingyu: what?
Wonwoo: who is the goat who likes me/her
Mingyu: the answer is
Mingyu: meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Wonwoo: Nice one!
hi five
Wonwoo: too bad she didn't hear it
Mingyu: yeah! 😞😞😞


AN: sorry I really can't upload some chapters more often cause my cellphone is destroyed I can't use my Data

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