12. Blue Eyes Don't Lie?

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"Why say something safe,
When I can blow you away."
Blue Eyes Don't Lie by You Me At Six.

Chapter Twelve:

"Have we met before?" His dark, brown eyes look down at me, piercing me in my place. Stiff, corpulent mouth moves slowly as he talks, as if he's trying to recall where he's chanced upon me before. I suddenly feel close to peeing myself

I clear my throat and part my mouth to give him an answer, aiming to make my voice stout, but it wavers a bit, betraying my timidity. "Er.. Um.. I don't think so." I try to wriggle out of his embrace, but he doesn't budge or give me room to move. He keeps staring at me, his eyes narrowed to slits. "Thank you." I say. He cocks his head to the side on a cogitative frown. "For catching me, I mean." I clarify, and shift again. This time he frees me.

I quickly tread away, looking back to peek at him, only to find him standing there, regarding my back.

Ah shit, what have I gotten myself into?

Within seconds, I arrive back at the table, and find Logan still there, quaffing a water. He catches me staring at the bottle. "I thought I'd slow down a bit. I'm driving." He demystifies, belting down the rest of the bottle. I expected him to be hammered after the drinks he guzzled down, but seemingly, he's used to drinking that much of alcohol without getting intoxicated. His eyes goggle at me for a moment, before he lowers slightly. "Your eyes are red. Were you crying?" He muses.

"It's the lights." I lie, not missing a beat. I know it's a lame excuse, but I don't want him to assume that I was crying my eyes out in the restroom, on the verge of a rancid panic attack.

"Oh." His forehead creases into a frown, before he looks around and gestures to the waitress, summoning her. "The bill, please." He says the moment she arrives.

Lola, my coworker at NIGHTS, casts us both a weird look before she shuffles away, still gawking back at Logan.

He chuckles, retrieving something from his backpocket. I look around, scanning my surroundings, and spot Falcon Guy. He's perched on a stool, sipping what looks like a martini, as he stares at me from across the room. He tilts his head to the side, clocking Logan, before he looks back at me. Does he know him? Of course he does. The guy conceivably knows Dylan very well, and Dylan is a close friend of Logan, so big chance is that Big Falcon Guy knows Logan. I quickly tear my eyes away, chewing my bottom lip in edginess.

"Good choice." I yelp when I hear a sudden feminine whoop in my ear. I spin, and find Ruth sashaying away. She momentarily glances back, giving me a wink, and I can't help but laugh. That woman is nuts-in a good way.

Logan gives me a perplexed look, and I perceive that Lola is back, standing there as she openly ogles him. He settles the bill, before he rises from his seat, and I notice him staggering a bit. Guess he's not that clearheaded after all. We take off, stepping out of the nightclub toward the parking lot.

"C'mon. I'll drive you home." He bumbles, pressing on the remote button.

My forehead creases into a frown, dismayed. "I don't think you're sober enough to drive. Why don't you hail a cab, instead?" I suggest.

He blinks at me for a long moment, before one side of his mouth quirks up. "Can you drive?" He questions.

"Uh.. Yes?" It comes out as a question.

He chucks the keys at me and I fail to catch them, bending down to scoop them up from the ground. "No. I'm not driving." I state, stalking after him as he opens the door to the passenger seat.

"Why not?" He asks, bemused.

"It's very expensive, not to mention new. What if I make an accident or something?" I admit my apprehension.

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