45. Blue Blue Heart

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Chavez stands there, overbearingly leaning back against the scraggy brick wall like he has the ultimate control over the entire world. He crosses his arms, cocking his bald head to the side, looking at us like we’re a pair of incult kids, and he’s the one who is about to enforce our discipline. His calculating eyes fall on me, and I can’t help but evade them, moving my gaze to Dylan, whose own stare is focused on the bumper evildoer who almost has me in a horror-struck pile on the ground.

“Sorry for interrupting.” Chavez is the one who speaks first, and his gravel voice sends a jittery shiver down my spine. “Believe me, the scenery was pretty fun. I enjoyed watching, and also listening, if you ask me.” He shoves his large hands into his pockets. “Excuse me for asking though, but weren’t you with the long-haired guy?” He asks, the question directed at me, his eyes rigorous and hard to hack. “I meant that fella Trent.” He clarifies when I don’t respond, like I didn’t understand.

But I did. And he knows I did.

I clear my throat, opening my mouth to lie, but then Dylan speaks instead, saving me. “Is there a problem, Chavez?” He questions, his voice so prosaic and unaffected, but from his stiff stance, I know that he’s anything but.

Chavez holds up his palms, like he means no harm. “A problem? Oh no, I was just wondering. That day, I thought that boy was so serious about her. I bet he isn’t aware of the way she’s whoring herself around with Logan, and now you.”

Dylan steps forward, his posture even more rigid than before, his hands balled into rock-ribbed fists, and his countenance austere and sizzling with apparent anger. “Watch the way you talk about her, Chavez.”

Chavez’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Oh? Is that a threat?”

“And it’s not empty.” Dylan avouches, his mien bare of any faltering. I’m taken aback by his intrepidity, and I have to admit that it makes me a little uneasy, considering how bulky the guy is. Even though Dylan is tall and well-built, Chavez’s body is titanic compared to his, and a fight between them is nothing I would want to watch.

Chavez’s lips spread in a devilish smile, and he holds his hands in surrender once more. “I mean no harm. I was kind of confused. I thought maybe there’s some weird relationship that’s going on with you all, like you’re all sharing her.” He shrugs, his revoltingly oversexed gaze moving to me, leisurely inspecting my body. “In that case, I would love to join and have a piece of that ass. I’d-”

He doesn’t get to finish, before Dylan closes the gap between them. It happens fast. One moment Chavez’s eyes are on me, the next they’re wide open, latched on Dylan, who has him by his shirt. “I told you to watch your fucking mouth.” Dylan fulminates through gritted teeth.

Chavez doesn’t hesitate, pushing Dylan back, freeing himself from the stout hold he had on him. “Isn’t that interesting!” He raves back, his eyes murky with nefarious aggravation. “She’s not Trent’s girl, huh?” He asks, motioning to me with his head. “I saw you all over each other out there, but I was convincing myself that she was fucking the three of you, but I was fooled.” He nods, as if understanding everything all of a sudden. “That night, you were all acting like she was with Trent to fool me, huh?” He asks, his annoyed gaze moving from Dylan to me.

Dylan sighs. “That’s exactly why I refrained from telling you.”

It’s Chavez’s turn to advance threateningly toward Dylan. “Nobody gets to fool me.” He prods Dylan in the chest with his index finger. “And you won’t get away with it for trying.”

Dylan doesn’t even flinch. “You benefit from me too much to fuck it all up.”

“What do you mean?” Chavez queries, eyes squinted.

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