36. Rhapsody In Blue

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"You can hear the sound...

Of your heart breaking

From the love she's taking from you
The song it's making
Is like a rhapsody in blue.."

Rhapsody in blue by The Gathering Field

I stare at the old woman in front of me, barely recognizing her, even though it's not been that long since we've seen each other. She looks old and enervated, her thin body has become emaciated, and sapped, her face as thin as a skull. My eyes inspect all of her features. Her chapped lips, her fake, pigmented eyebrows, and the turban that's trussed so tight, in fear of revealing what's beneath.

She looks weak, yet her posture suggests the one thing the disease will never defeat.


Her brown eyes examine Dylan closely, not bothering to hide her curiosity, before they move back to me, a smile occupying her lips. "Aren't you going to let me in?" She asks.

I don't respond, hoping that she may take the hint and leave, without me having to engage Dylan more in my repellent issues.

However, Dylan has a whole other plan. He steps aside, pulling the door wide-open with him. "Of course! Please come through." He smiles warmly at her, his voice surprisingly genial. His expression seems quaint and foreign, speaking respect and.. nervousness?

Is Dylan Evans nervous?

The woman's smile widens even more, but this time, it's directed at Dylan. "Thank you." She drawls, traipsing into the place with slow, cautious steps, before she stops when Dylan closes the door. "Magdalene Woods. I'm Candice's grandma." She extends her hand to Dylan, the smile never leaving her face.

Dylan takes it in the most gentlemanly manner, before he bends to plant a kiss on the back of her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Please, take a seat." He beckons with his hand to the living area.

Why the fuck is he acting like he owns the goddamn place?

More importantly, why is he being a gentleman to her?

I watch them as they walk further into the room, still frozen in my place by the door, before I choose to act natural. "Do you want something to drink?" I ask, my attention pinned onto my grandmother.

She looks up at me, surprised that I asked such a thing. See? Not the most normal grandmother/granddaughter relationship. "Uh- a glass of water, please." She says, her voice unsure, before she ends the sentence with a smile.

I fetch her a glass of water, placing it on the table in front of her, before I sit in the furthest chair. She looks up at Dylan, taking a sip of her water. "Are you Candice's boyfriend?"


Just as I start to say no, he hastens to answer her. "Yes, I am." He smiles, before he looks at me with a challenging look, his smile broadening even more. "We haven't been together for long, but I don't think I've ever seen a couple so tolerant​ and consonant like us."

You fucking, lying, other-girls-kissing, piece of crap.

I fake a smile. "That's about right. I've never met such a gentleman before."

His smile never falters, and from the corner of my eye, I can see the old woman smiling so big. Old, strong, but naive. "That's good to hear." She affirms. "You never told me your name, though." She tells him, inclining to put the glass on the table.

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