Part 3

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They landed at Waterfall. The four marched ashore. "We should reach MTT'S in a day." Chara announced. They started to walk along the riverbank, Frisk watching the stars grow brighter and brighter as the night approached.

Finally, they stopped near a closed down shop. Camp was set up, Jessica soon having a fire alit. The time trickled by as they ate dinner. Frisk felt drowsy, her eyes struggling to stay open.

"Did you hear that?" Jessica asked suddenly. She had been falling asleep, but was now wide awake, eyes wide.

"Just your imagination." Chara yawned.

"Wait, I hear it too." Asriel said. It was quiet, then Frisk heard it: the sound of a car. Everyone sprang up, ducking out of the way as a limo revved in.

The first word that came to Frisk's mind was: spider.

It was a light purple, webs painted in a darker shade. A spider was painted in the same dark shade, light purple writing out MUFFET'S FORTUNES.

"Shoot." Jessica swore. The driver's door opened, and a sword was pointed at the blonde's neck.

"Jessica Reynolds." The driver, a blue rabbit, said. "I thought I recognized that cowboy hat."

"Nice Cream." She said. "Why are you here?"

"Miss Muffet wants to talk to her." Frisk realized that he was pointing at her. "Go shop, please."

"Gerson's closed." Asriel pointed out. Nice Cream snapped his fingers. The CLOSE sign flipped to OPEN as a light turned on. "Never mind."

The rabbit smiled down at Frisk as the other three walked away. He helped her up, opening the door. "Right this way, miss."

The brunette sighed, and stepped in.

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